Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

December 30, 2007

Mission Accomplished!

The painting project is finally complete! It looks so good in the condo now (if I do say so myself). I'm so happy!!! We still need to hang some pictures and then I promise to finally send out some pics of the place for those of you that don't live in the area. I will say that this was one of the biggest projects I've taken on. I mean, it's still nothing in comparison to the wood flooring project at my old condo, but the vaulted ceilings add so much more work than regular height walls. I was planning to do the painting myself (cuz I like this sort of thing) but I had to enlist Michael's help in order to get it done.

For those in the area, come over so we can stand together, look up, and "ooh" and "ahh" at my painting expertise.

December 28, 2007

Lunch with Alyssa

My cousin Alyssa came through town with her boyfriend today and we all went to lunch in Old Town Alexandria. I haven't seen Alyssa since her trip here last year. We were able to spend about 3 hours catching up. I love seeing my cousin but it makes me sad too. It would be so nice to live in the same area. I realized last year when visiting Florida that my cousins Amy, Alyssa, and I are a LOT alike. It would be really nice to have that kind of family support system nearby. I didn't grow up near any family and I now wish I had. It's so much harder to keep in touch when you're not in the same state. Maybe that will be my New Year's resolution- to keep in touch with my cousins more.

December 27, 2007

11 days off!

I have eleven glorious days off from work. I love that about the holidays. We had 2 days off for xmas and 1 for new years. So by only taking a couple of vacation days, I end up with 11 days off. I rarely take time like this, especially just to be at home. I'm not the type that's able to just sit around though so it's now project central at my house. I have finally taken on the huge task of painting the living room. With the vaulted ceilings, it's a pretty big job. But I can spread it out over 11 days, so that's helpful. Just a note for anyone thinking about painting vaulted ceilings: it is seriously hard work. Much more than any normal height room. I've been working for days and it's about 75% complete. But I've got 5 days to go, so not too bad. And it looks great- I love it! It gives the place a much warmer feel- it was white before and now it's a beige color.

I've also spent a lot of time reading, going to the gym, and organizing some stuff for goodwill. I've also thrown in some naps, just for good measure. Someone tell me again why adults don't take naps?

December 21, 2007

Being PC at Christmas

There's a big controversy over the "appropriate" holiday greeting. Christians are up in arms over people saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". Use whatever greeting you like, but don't get on other people's cases for choosing to use Happy Holidays. And yes, the media and retailers really should talk about the holiday season, not just christmas. It's not about being politically correct. It's about including everyone and not acting like a group of bigots where the biggest religious bully wins.

The same christians that are ranting about the use of a general term and want the term "christmas" used specifically are also offended when any muslim holiday is celebrated. You have to choose: either you want a general use of holiday terms or you want to allow all specific holidays to be mentioned. You can't just have christmas discussed and no non-christian holidays mentioned.

The use of Happy Holidays has come about because of the increased presence of other religious beliefs in this country. America is supposed to be a melting pot of people with all types of backgrounds, including religions. We should embrace these changes and encourage that melting pot theme. The angry christians are trying to present this change as a loss of tradition or that they are being oppressed in some way. But sometimes traditions need to change and grow into something new. It doesn't take away from your beliefs or holiday celebrations. It's not a personal attack. It just encompasses more people.

I say Happy Holidays because that way I include everyone celebrating a holiday this time of year. I think the ranting christians are being selfish. I think if these people would take a second to think about how they would feel if everyone came up to them saying "Happy Hanukah", maybe they would see that the world does not actually revolve around them. Other people have different beliefs- why not include everyone in your greeting?

I personally am not offended by any holiday greeting. You are welcome to wish me a merry christmas, happy hanukah, happy kwanzaa, happy holidays, or my favorite: happy chrismakwanzukah. :)

December 20, 2007

Puppy Treats Jar

I finally got back the puppy treat canister I made! It took me about a week to finish painting and another week for them to get it fired in the kiln, but it's finally in my kitchen and full of Georgie and Izzie treats.

December 18, 2007

Everyone Needs a Gnome

Seriously- everyone should have a gnome. I found a Purdue gnome online- it was an immediate must-have. I love him! Check out the sneakers. Now my gnome just needs a name.........

December 16, 2007

Republican Debate

I finally caught one of the Republican debates last week. I didn't see the beginning but I have many comments on the part I did see......

McCain was disappointing. He used to have real opinions and stand up against Bush but since deciding to run for President, he's become just another uber-Republican robot. The candidates were asked whether freedom or security is more important. His answer: security. This may have been the most important question asked in the debate because it speaks to the foundation of this country. The fear tactics used by this administration have allowed many American citizens to reach the point of being willing to give up their freedom for security. First, the best we're getting is an illusion of security. Products coming into this country are going through no more review than they were before 9/11. And anyone that believes that scanning your 3oz bottles of liquid before flying is keeping you safe has lost their hold on reality. But we have a big Department of Homeland Security that gives us the illusion of security.

Giving up our freedom is a slippery slope to becoming everything America has always stood against. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security deserves neither and will lose both". Seems like an ironic position for Republican candidates, who constantly say that they are like the founders of this country, and yet would so quickly give up their freedoms. Correction- would so quickly have you give up your freedoms. The people at the top in our country are rarely affected by these changes.

I'm not sure what to think about Romney. Some of his ideas aren't bad. But he, like McCain, seemed to switch to uber-Republican over the last few years. And frankly, I don't believe him. It's a gut feeling, but I'm going with it. That's the Republican strategy right? If you've seen old videos of Romney, he is strongly pro-choice. I believe he had a family member die from one of the dirty abortions that were done before abortions were legal. Then he suddenly changed his mind. I don't have a problem with people changing their views. I have a problem because he looks uncomfortable when he discusses his new view, as if he's lying to appear to have the Republican pro-life view.

Besides this issue, he also seems to have too broad of an agenda (like many of the candidates). He comes across as someone that thinks he will get into office and fix everything- the war, education system, economy, energy problem, etc. The laundry list does not impress me- he's not going to fix everything, or even come close. I think the candidates should be asked what the primary focus of their term in office would be and what their approach would be to improve the issue they choose.

There is not enough storage space for me to comment properly on Giuliani. He literally makes my stomach churn. I believe he's one of those people that was in the right place at the right time. Just because he was there for 9/11, doesn't mean he's responsible for improvements that occurred. If you listen to him speak, he never discusses his ideas, only that he was advised to do X, or told to do Y.

I've tried not to focus on his personal history but someone presented a new way to view his history that I'd like to share. The person said that the issue with Giuliani isn't his divorces, per se. It's that Giuliani either makes poor decisions or he poorly manages the decisions he makes. It really made me think about the situation differently and made me that much more certain that he's not a good candidate. FYI- this was a Republican talking about why he wouldn't vote for Giuliani.

Highlights on stupidity from other candidates:

Keyes- Preacher man says that God being taken out of schools is where our problems lie. Yes, that's it. The problem isn't the rise of extremist Christians who can't even fathom what people with different beliefs might feel like as you continue to cram God/Jesus down their throats. So much for the melting pot idea.

Hunter- We should all just go shopping to support American jobs. If you can't see the stupidity in this, vote for Hunter.

Thompson- He would go over Congress' head if they don't agree with him. I think the country has had enough of that over the last 8 years.

And the final evidence for stupidity (drum roll please): When asked to raise their hands if they believe that global warming is a problem and is created by humans................ not one hand was raised. The evidence is everywhere that it's occurring and, based on history, it is an issue that can potentially wipe out humanity. I would call that a problem.

I do like Ron Paul. I know, he's a little odd. But if you listen to him, he actually has decent and real things to say. And he doesn't get caught up in all the BS. I can at least respect him for that.

December 10, 2007


It's the last week of the semester. Tonight my project team gave a presentation for our semester project. My team members are in a similar boat as me- lots of other things going on in our lives and not solely focused on school. We cranked out this semester project using the divide and conquer method- I don't think I spent more than 10 hours on this thing. And the best part- we're totally going to get an A. I think I've found my peeps. It's nice having smart team members that I can count on and know they'll be prepared. Not like my summer project where I basically had to do everything on my own. If only all classes could be this way.....

So now that I'm done procrastinating about the project, I've moved on to procrastinating about the final exam. We have a take home test that's due Friday so most likely I will spend the week procrastinating about getting it done.

December 05, 2007

First Snow

The first snow of the year came today and didn't seem to want to stop. It started overnight or early morning and just kept snowing for the entire day/night. It has been a weird week for weather. The last two days have been crazy windy. Windy like from a storm. Add to that the chilly temperatures and it was fairly miserable. So even though I normally prefer no snow or cold weather, the snow was very welcome after the bitter cold wind. Plus, it's beautiful when it's first coming down. The pups were very excited to play in it so it was fun walking them and seeing them stick their noses in it.

December 02, 2007

The Dan Band

If I need to explain who The Dan Band is, you need to emerge from the cave you've been living in. Ok, ok. Last time! The Dan Band is the group that played at the wedding in the movie Old School (Total Eclipse of the Heart with some f-bombs thrown in for good measure). The group covers female pop songs and includes dance routines that are hilarious. The main singer (Dan Finnerty) has two backup singers/dancers (also guys). They do songs like "Mama Mia", "Shoop", "Genie in a Bottle", etc. Pretty much 70s, 80s, and 90s pop. Although the dancing and choreography is ridiculous, the guys can actually sing, which I think is what makes the show really good. And they're great entertainers.

Michael and I saw them almost two years ago at the same venue (930 Club). It was one of the first times we went out together. Since then, The Dan Band added a bunch of new pop songs to their act, including some Christmas songs. It was hilarious as ever. And this time I didn't have to drink Toby's Jaeger Bomb for her so I remember the show a little better.

Before the show, we went to The Melting Pot, a fondue place. It was excellent and made me think back to the last time I went there, with all my cousins in Florida a year ago. That was so much fun- we need another reunion. I miss you guys!

December 01, 2007

Pottery Painting

My friend Bunni organized an outing to one of those places where you paint your own pottery today. I've been to these places before but it's been many years. I picked out a canister and decided to make a dog treats jar since I've wanted one for awhile and can't find one I like. I am not an artist but figured I could draw a cartoon dog on the canister. Between that and having to paint each part three times to ensure the paint is dark enough for when they fire it in the kiln, I was still working 5 hours later when the shop closed. Note to self: pick a smaller project next time.

The girl in the shop was nice enough to let me borrow some paint and brushes to finish it at home. Now I just have to finish it and take it back for firing. I'll post a picture once I get it back in a few weeks and you can all see my top-notch artistic ability. Ha.

November 30, 2007

Avenue Q

The Broadway show Avenue Q is in town for 2 weeks at the National Theater and we went to see the show tonight. It had the majority of the Broadway cast. I'm kinda a theater snob so these things are important to me. :) The show was hilarious. There's no way to properly explain it, but I will try. The show is based on the idea of Sesame Street, with puppets, but the topics are entirely adult. And coming from puppets, adult topics somehow become VERY funny. There are puppets that look like Bert and Ernie but have different names, and there is Trekkie Monster, among other characters.

Songs from the soundtrack include:
"What do you do with a B.A. in English?"
"It Sucks to Be Me"
"Everyone's a Little Bit Racist"
"The Internet is for Porn"
And the list goes on.......

Most of it is highly inappropriate but the overall point of the show is finding your purpose in life. With a lot of humor along the way. If you can see this show, GO! You will not regret it.

November 25, 2007

Kitchen Experiments

Today is a big day. This is going to sound crazy, but I experimented for the first time in the kitchen today. When people have told me to just throw some things together, I've never been able to do it. I'm a true engineer in the kitchen. Unless you tell me specifically how much of something to use and when to use it, I can't do it. A "pinch" or "some" are not units of measurement!

We made a recipe at the Pampered Chef party I went to last month and I decided to use the basic idea to create my own dish. Basically, I combined turkey, stuffing, and gravy as a filler between crescent rolls and baked it. It was delicious! Again, I'm so proud of me- I'm becoming all domesticated (haha, yeah right).

November 20, 2007

Politics at Work

Our CMMI consultant was in the office today and we tend to get into political conversations. It's interesting because he's a very religious, very Republican guy- so basically my opposite. It's always interesting to talk to him because while he holds very different beliefs than me, we are both mature enough to be able to discuss the issues without getting upset. I find that's a difficult trait to find. People get so emotional about politics; half the time I think people don't even know what they're talking about, they just passionately regurgitate whatever they've heard on t.v.

The conversation did get heated and I found myself frustrated because I don't recall detailed facts easily. When I read, I gather information in my head and develop an overall idea or opinion of things. But I don't retain the details. It's how I think in all areas of my life and I find it does hinder my conversations and even my work at times. I was frustrated because he kept asking for examples and I couldn't give them, not because they don't exist but because I have trouble remembering them.

I've been doing this since I was a kid. In school, I would retain information long enough for a test and then I would lose it because I didn't use the information on a regular basis. Probably not a good thing to admit, huh? I just don't retain information I don't use. How do you change a behavior that's been so ingrained?

November 17, 2007

New Washer and Dryer

It finally arrived! The new washer and dryer were delivered today. They are Samsung- who knew I could buy a washer/dryer and a phone from the same people? We have been doing laundry non-stop. I am so happy to finally have a working washer/dryer.

The catch? Oh yes, there's always a catch when it comes to the washer/dryer. The old unit was an all-in-one unit and the new units are separate; the closet where they are housed only has one outlet. So we now have an extension cord running through the house in order to run power to the washer. So on top of everything else, we will now have to get someone to put in an outlet. And the saga continues...............

November 13, 2007


Last Friday we finally went to Lowe's and bought a new washer/dryer. We got a good deal because of Veteran's Day, so while I'm not thrilled that the warranty company is only giving us some money instead of replacing the w/d, I'm happy that we're finally going to be able to do laundry properly and we got a good deal. They were supposed to deliver today, but like everything with this w/d fiasco, that didn't happen. I got a call this morning saying that when they inspected the dryer, they found a big dent in the bottom so they are going to have to reorder it. So now we're scheduled for Friday delivery. Seriously, can anything else possibly go wrong?

November 11, 2007

A Lotta Nuthin'

I'm not forgetting to write; there just isn't much going on right now. We've had our first two weekends of no plans all Fall and are enjoying every second of it. We went to our favorite sushi place; I started my holiday shopping, did a little scrapbooking, and Toby and I went to the mall (big mistake on Veteran's Day weekend- at least for people like me who are crowd-phobic). I figure things will start getting busy again with the holidays so I'm enjoying the downtime while I can.

November 05, 2007

Case Studies

School this semester has been.... unusual. I'm taking a class that isn't heavily based in math or statistics like the other classes I've taken so far. Instead, it's a course on military operations research and focuses on effectiveness analysis. It's with a professor that I've had before and in the previous course, he was very focused on having a significant amount of homework and getting the right answers. So this class confused me by having much less homework and focusing on real world case studies. The case studies have no "right" answer since they are real world military issues. Once I shifted gears to this new perspective, it has been much more interesting.

I've been having trouble getting excited about grad school lately because it's so theoretical. That's fine if you want to do research, but I don't think I'll end up going that route. I solve real world issues in my career that have multiple potential solutions. The interesting part of this class has been learning various modeling techniques to help analyze multiple decisions and determine which will be most effective. I can actually use this stuff!

November 01, 2007

Kingstowne Shootings

Around 10 or 11pm on Halloween night, we started hearing sirens that didn't seem to be passing and decided to go outside to make sure our buildings weren't on fire or something. Instead, some passing neighbors told us to go back inside because someone had been shot and the entire area was blocked off while the police looked for the shooter. There was a helicoptor and police everywhere. We found out today that a guy shot his former roommate (another guy) on a landing and then went into a condo and shot himself (both died). However, the police didn't know the shooter had shot himself and were in our neighborhood searching until about 6am.

So some of you are thinking, "eh, it's DC". But we very much DO NOT live in DC. We live in the suburbs in Virginia and these types of things just don't happen in Kingstowne. Kingstowne has one of the lowest crime rates in the country so this was very uncharacteristic. We've since learned that it was a domestic incident and I think that the two men were in a relationship, not just roommates. People keep trying to make this into a "thugs in Kingstowne" story but it makes a lot more sense as a crime of passion or domestic violence. Horrible, but more reasonable for this area.

I was reading articles on the shootings and was angered enough by the ignorant comments in this one to create a user name to reply to the idiot. I'm E_Squared (not ESquareToo, who sucks for using my name). Here's the news story if you want to read more: Kingstowne Shootings

October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

No big plans for the holiday- we don't have many (or possibly any) kids in the neighborhood so we don't get trick-or-treaters. But I can't let an opportunity to dress the kids up pass me by. :) Enjoy the pics of Izzie in her pumpkin costume and Georgie in his hippie costume.

October 30, 2007

Presidential Debate: Democrats

Some political commentary. I've been wanting to do this forever. And yes, I will comment on both sides- no worries, I've got issues with all the candidates. :) But tonight we'll start with the Democrats, since I was able to catch the debates. I have to admit that this is the first presidential election where I have watched any of the debates leading up to the nominations. A lot of the questions seem geared to "catch" the candidate or trap them in some way. It's all just a big game.

First of all, I sometimes wonder how Tim Russert got the gig of hosting Meet the Press with the hollow questions he was asking. He asked each candidate whether they would pledge that Iran would not get nuclear weapons if they were President. It was such a stupid question and it was obvious that the panel thought so too. Each candidate had to think of a way to answer without actually pledging since the pledge was an impossible promise to make to the public. And the worst part: he solicited answers from the entire panel of candidates and wasted even more time.

I was disappointed by Clinton's flip-flopping towards the end of the debate. First she said giving illegals a drivers license would be a good idea, then said it wouldn't be a good idea. I think Dodd made a better argument, saying that a license is a privilege and should be reserved for those here legally. Guess he changed her mind because suddenly she agreed with him.

I also think some of her choices have been a little suspect. For instance, she said that voting to look further into Iran was an act of diplomacy. In normal circumstances, I would agree with her. However, she failed to take into account that this is the same pattern Bush/Cheney took when plotting the Iraq war. Senators should not vote as if they are dealing with a reasonable administration. They should vote intelligently and realize that Bush/Cheney are doing the same thing they did before invading Iraq. Making a mistake is acceptable; it's the people who don't learn from their mistakes that scare me. To be clear, I'm not anti-Clinton. I might even vote for her. I just wasn't impressed at this debate. Not that she had it easy with every other candidate attacking her.

Obama said that we need to make math and science jobs more attractive. I thought this completely missed the point, which is that our educational system is seriously lacking in these areas. Kids aren't avoiding math and science because the jobs aren't lucrative; they don't have enough knowledge in those areas to be able to pursue the associated professions and compete with students that have been taught overseas. Edwards, on the other hand, talked about having a national university to recruit the best and brightest teachers and then deploy them across the country. He seemed to be more on track with a plan that might actually work.

All we hear about in the media is Clinton because she's a woman and Obama because he's black. Is that the extent of our intelligence- to only be able to consider people based on gender and race? And are people really going to choose the leader of their country this way? Unfortunately, I think I know the answer. I'm consistently disappointed by a population that can't think past these surface level traits to the bigger issues affecting our country and our world. The focus on gender and race is causing people to overlook the other candidates who actually have some good things to say. Biden and Dodd make good points but no one even considers them as valid candidates because we've been told to focus on Obama and Clinton. Based on the debates tonight, I'm most impressed with Edwards.

October 29, 2007

Warranty Troubles

It's hard for me to even talk about this. I had a long talk with the warranty company today regarding our washer/dryer and it did not end well. I was shaking for at least 20 minutes after the call and I can't recall a time I've been so angry.

The warranty company has continued to give me the run around and is basically just pushing paper around between departments now. Really annoying. So I demanded to speak with a supervisor (I say demanded because I had to ask about 10 times before they finally transferred the call). The supervisor was one of the rudest people I've ever spoken too. He told me that I have a choice between a washer/dryer that doesn't fit in the condo or $700. Well, $700 won't even come close to replacing the washer/dryer so I told him I want it replaced, but obviously with a washer/dryer that actually fits. He told me he had given me an option for a new washer/dryer. I told him it's not an option if I can't actually choose it. He told me he was sorry I felt that way. That really pissed me off. I told him it's not a feeling, it's a reality. The conversation just went downhill from there. He actually threatened to terminate the call because of my demeanor and I can state very confidently that I did nothing to provoke this. There was no swearing or threatening or anything. I just told him to stop telling me about my "feelings" and to speak to the reality of the situation. Apparently, common sense and reality are not things that warranty companies embrace.

The guy was clearly getting enjoyment out of the conversation and the whole thing was just a big game for him. I can't stand that. I can deal with them telling me that all they can do is offer me $700, even though that totally sucks since the w/d is going to cost about twice that. But fine, I can deal. What I cannot deal with is them pretending that they are offering to replace the w/d when they are clearly not offering that. Offering a w/d that does not fit in the space is NOT an option.

October 28, 2007

Georgie Whisperer

Georgie has been getting progressively more aggressive towards other dogs over the last year. When he sees another dog, his entire body gets over-excited and the hair on his back stands up. He barks and if he gets close enough, he'll do a faux-bite. I call it that because he doesn't try to hurt other dogs so much as tell them to get away with his "bite". But it's scary to watch and is obviously a behavior that has to stop.

Today we took him to meet with a doggy behavioral specialist. The guy taught us some techniques to keep him more calm when meeting other dogs, specifically that he needs to be constantly paying attention to whoever is walking him instead of the other dog. So even though Georgie is good on a leash, we are now teaching him "heel" and to walk directly beside us. He's a really smart dog so he's already picked it up and within the 2 hours we spent with the trainer, he was already acting better around other dogs. Go Georgie!

A funny note about Georgie- he is a little prissy and doesn't like to put his butt down on anything but carpet. Like he won't sit if it's on tile- he'll scoot over to the carpet and then sit. It's funny. I didn't think he would sit for us while on walks (which is part of the training) but he did and I think he's happy to be taking direction from us. He's such a good boy.

October 27, 2007

Eastern Market

My mom was in town today and we took a trip to Eastern Market. It's an area in DC that has local arts and crafts, as well as a farmers market. The main building was burned down last year sometime and it was a pretty big deal for DC, since this market has been around since 1873. I've only been once, about 2 years ago, with my friend Toby.

We braved the metro (still a big event for my mom) to get to Eastern Market. We spent a lot of time walking around and shopping at the vendors tables. I got a cute little purse (most of you would probably think it's horribly ugly) but I tend to like the occasional really ugly accessory. You know how sometimes an ugly accessory can actually be really cute? Yeah, I'm going with the "it's so ugly it's cute" theory. We shopped until the vendors packed up and we had no choice but to leave. My mom is a professional shopper.

October 26, 2007

New Wheels, Literally

I took my car in for an oil change about a week ago and they told me my tires are bald, but only after I asked them to look at them. I think that's kinda crazy since Toyota tries to upsell me every single time I take my car in for service. And yet I've managed to drive around on bald tires for the last month or more without a word from them. Sigh.

So today I got new tires. It was quite an ordeal. I found some really nice tires but then found out they were backordered everywhere. I was going to have to settle for some tires that had a lower mileage warranty, were not as nice (in terms of comfort ride and quietness), and were more expensive! It was bothering me so I kept calling local places and finally found a set of the tires I wanted. I think they were the last set not backordered- I called a LOT of places.

But I got them and it's like I have a brand new ride. My car is a new beast. I forgot what it was like to drive on tires that actually grip the road, tires where I don't have to compensate to keep them from locking up, tires that actually drive through water instead of gliding over the top of it. Crazy. ;)

October 24, 2007

Comments on my Blog

Ok, I've heard from many of you that you would comment on my blog but since you don't have gmail, you can't. The real solution here is that you should all get gmail. But since some of you are stubborn, I've changed the settings to allow anyone to comment. So start commenting! If I start getting random comments from people I don't know, I may shut it back off. But until then, no more excuses! :)

October 21, 2007

Go Redskins!

We went to the Redskins vs. Cardinals game today. Good game. It ended up being pretty close- 21 to 19, Redskins. Since I didn't care all that much about who won (don't really follow pro-football) I preferred the close game cause it adds to the excitement.

The weather has been up and down lately. When we left the house it was chilly so I wore jeans and a tank top, bringing a fleece. Yeah, it ended up being 80 degrees and we roasted. Our seats were practically touching the sun and Michael and I both came home burnt.

October 20, 2007

Pampered Chef

I went to a pampered chef party at Stephanie's house tonight. Before going, I think Michael and my mom were more excited for me to go than me. I cook but I'm not someone that typically gets excited about kitchen gadgets. I was surprised to find that they have a lot of super efficient kitchen gadgets. I'm a HUGE fan of efficient gadgets. :) So I ended up buying a few little things, like a measuring spoon that adjusts so you just have one spoon instead of the ring of 6, etc. I was also surprised that the things weren't overpriced. So now I'm waiting on my cool new kitchen gadgets to arrive so I can play.

October 19, 2007


The warranty company called this week and said that they couldn't find the part for the washer/dryer and so they're replacing the unit! I was very excited that they're actually going to do something. Until today.........

They ordered a washer/dryer that is too big for our space. Stupidity....... So now I'm waiting to hear back on what they're going to do for us. Here's the scoop on our washer/dryer- we have a small closet with a stackable unit. Well, the builders weren't thinking when they made this place, as I keep discovering, and now no normal vendor makes ANY units that will fit the space. Great. So now it's looking like either one of the combo washer/dryers in one units which I'm not too excited about or we found one "stackable" (really a separate washer and dryer but they stack) but it's a little more pricey than the others so who knows if they'll pay for it.

Waiting on the warranty people and trying to remember what it feels like to shower with a clean towel...............

October 18, 2007


Anyone see the story about Ellen? Apparently this is important enough to be on CNN cause I don't watch her show. I won't get into the sadness of this being on CNN......

So Ellen got a dog from an adoption agency, decided not to keep it, and gave it away. The adoption agency took the dog back because their policy states that Ellen should have returned the dog to them; she does not have the right to give it to someone else. And she went on her show and cried instead of doing her opening bit. So there's the story; now I have to comment.

I am sure she signed something when she purchased the dog saying that if she couldn't keep it, she would return it. I had to sign that when I got Georgie and Izzie. And I know that if I ever couldn't keep them (yeah, right), I would have to give them back to Lost Dog Rescue. I signed and agreed to that. These rules are in place for a reason. We all like to believe the best in people but unfortunately, there are a lot of people in this world who take animals for granted. That's WHY there are so many lost dogs! People get puppies thinking it will be so much fun and then they realize it's actually work and get bored with it. People end up trying to pawn their dogs off on anyone who will take them or just let them run off. The rule is in place to prevent the dogs from being lost again. And while Ellen may have found a good family for her dog, others aren't so good about placing their pets in good homes.

The thing is, I'm sure that if she had just called the adoption agency and told them the situation, she could have "returned" the dog to the adoption agency and they would have immediately allowed the new family to adopt it. The adoption agencies are not evil places trying to keep people from their dogs. But if they don't follow procedures for one person, then they can no longer enforce them on anyone else. They are good people, trying hard to get these pups into good homes and I'd be willing to bet that Ellen's friends would have been able to adopt the dog had they just called the agency.

Instead, after crying on her show, supporters called in death threats to the adoption agency. Death threats? Seriously? There are people in this country so enthralled with celebrities that they are willing to make death threats on their behalf over a dog? Are you kidding me? People have really lost their hold on reality.

I'm glad the company didn't back down because if they did, it would only be because she's a celebrity. I am sick and tired of celebrities getting special treatment. She should go through the same process as every other person. And if the dog really meant so much to her, maybe she shouldn't have given it away.

October 08, 2007


I, along with all of the other management people at work, took the Myers-Briggs personality test and had a day-long seminar on the results today. I am an INTJ. Here's how it breaks down.........

Extrovert vs. Introvert- I'm an Introvert (I). No surprise there. This means that I re-energize by reflecting on things as opposed to being out interacting with lots of people. It explains how I prefer to have a few close friends instead of a bunch of acquaintances and why I like my me-time so much.

Sensing vs. Intuition- I'm Intuition (N). This means that I like interrelationships, theories, and future possibilities, as opposed to facts, details, and present realities. Also very true of me. I think this is the scholar/engineer in me. While I like the details, I love the theory. And I typically see the big picture and need to see the big picture before I can be interested in the details. And I can usually figure out a way to make just about anything a reality for the future if I really want to.

Thinking vs. Feeling- I'm Thinking (T). This means that I make decisions using logical, objective analysis, as opposed to trying to create harmony. Damn straight. I have little desire to make my decisions any other way. Not saying I don't consider people's feelings, but I certainly don't sacrifice making the right decision to create harmony. Isn't that a wussy trait??? Yeah, there's the engineer.

Judging vs. Perceiving- I'm Judging (J) but I sort of cross over into the P too. Judging is being organized and orderly, making decisions quickly. I'm the first two, not so much the last. I believe Dan and Toby can attest to that. Perceiving is being flexible and keeping options open as long as possible.

Having a type gives me a little sigh of relief. People always get on my case about going out more but I'm perfectly happy being at home with my guy and my pups. Too much going out stresses me. I think that's why this fall was so stressful for me. Even though much of it was fun, like going to Purdue, it was all stressful because I had no downtime between activities. I need time to recooperate!

Taking the test was also interesting because I had no surprises which makes me feel like I do know myself pretty well. The good and the bad. :) I think it's good to be able to recognize areas for improvement within ourselves. Most of the suggestions given for ways to better interact with people (for my personality type) were things that I already recognize in myself and work on regularly anyway.

Anyone else taken this?

October 07, 2007

Toby's Got a New Name

She went through with it! Just kidding. There was no question about her going through with it. It is a little strange to think of Toby married though. The wedding was in Albany, NY. Michael and I flew up Saturday and went to the rehearsal dinner. The wedding was on Sunday. I had to be up at 5:30am to go get ready with the girls. Yeah, it about killed me. I don't understand the concept of getting up before 7am, ever. And if it were up to me, I would never get up before 9am. :)

The wedding was really nice. The ceremony was outside and then the reception was at a country club. I won't describe much more- it had all the typical wedding schtuff. We had to fly out that night after the wedding so I could get back for work on Monday. That's the only thing I wish I could change from the weekend. I was really tired all day from getting up so early (even had my very first cup of coffee EVER) and then only had a couple hours of sleep that night before work the next day. Sleeeeeeepy.........

October 05, 2007

Everything is Breaking

I got my front car windshield replaced today. A rock hit it awhile ago and the little tiny break turned into a huge break all the way across and then down the center of my windshield. I finally gave in to getting it replaced. Who knew a window cost so much? It took the guy about 20 mins to replace the entire windshield- $480. What the ??? I need to start making that kinda cash for my time! Insurance paid for part of it, but still. It was neat watching the process though. They basically just glue it on. There's a little more involved, but yeah, glue it on.

On top of the windshield, I spoke too soon on the washer/dryer. The washer is awesome but I only made it through about 2 loads of laundry til the dryer broke again. Damn.

October 02, 2007

Laundry: How do I love thee?

Our washer/dryer broke about a month and a half ago. We have a home owner's warranty so we called them but it took forever to get someone out here. Then they had to order parts, etc, etc. Michael has been spending days at friends houses doing all of our laundry. The guys finally came out to fix it today and I am happy as a clam doing laundry now. They're running like brand new machines. I'm kind of glad they broke now because I didn't realize just how badly they were running before. I heart laundry. (never thought I'd say that!)

September 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Izzie!

Today is Izzie's first birthday!!! Happy Birthday Izzie! I can't believe my little girl is one! For her birthday, Izzie had her first spa day. Ok, not really, but she was in need of a haircut so she took her first trip to the groomer and got a bath, haircut, and her nails trimmed. And she came home with a pink bandana. I'd call that a spa day for a pup. :) And she looks so cute!

It's actually both the pups birthdays, we just only know Izzie's birthday for sure. But Georgie turns 3 around this time of year too.

September 29, 2007

Toby's Bachelorette Party

It's finally time! I've been planning this bachelorette party forever! I haven't been in many weddings so this was my first time planning a party like this. The other bridesmaids were from out of town so I was mostly on my own. I think I did good but I was nervous to see how everything would turn out.
We met in the morning to spend a day at the vineyards. There were four of us for this part of the day and it was so much fun. There is a bus tour that leaves from Arlington and visits 3 different vineyards over about 7 hours. We went to La Grange, Chrysalis, and some other vineyard that we've all managed to block out because it wasn't so great. We did tastings at each vineyard and also had time to just hang out and talk. The scenery of course was gorgeous. We had wine and cheese and crackers throughout the day. I don't think I've eaten that much cheese all year. I think we did pretty good at the beginning of the day with pacing ourselves but by the third vineyard, I think we were just ready to get our drink on. We had a bottle of wine at the vineyard (after the tasting session) and then got another bottle to drink on the bus. Things got a little more fun after that. ;) I will refrain from embarrassing you here Toby- you better be grateful! Here's a pic of Alexis, me, Toby, and Alison at the vineyards.

After that, we headed to dinner at a little Italian place in Arlington called Tutto Bene. We had a separate room just for our party. It was nice not to have to worry about being too loud. The restaurant was great- good food, and they didn't hurry us out. We actually didn't even get the check until we asked for it at 11pm and they were closing! Toby opened gifts and we had cake. Check out the cake topper. Heehee.

We did have one strange incident with an Italian man who decided to come in to say hello and proceeded to give us a 10 minute lecture on the leaning tower of Pisa and the remodeling effort to keep it from sinking into the ground. It was really funny- we were all looking around at each other wondering when he would leave. One of the waiters had to pull him out, calling him their village idiot.
After dinner, Toby, Alison, and I went back to my house and we had a little slumber party. Even after the long day and all that wine, we managed to stay up until about 3am talking. I think the party turned out really well. I had so much fun and I think I can say the same for Toby. Now it's time for the wedding!

September 17, 2007

Stomach Bug

No idea how I got it, but I got a stomach bug while at Purdue. Thankfully, it was after the career fair but Tuesday night was fairly miserable. I was up all night getting sick. My coworker didn't get it so I knew it wasn't food poisoning. I made it home and to the doctor and apparently I picked up a bug. It took an entire week to go away and I had consistent stomach pains while I waited for it to end. Not so fun. I would name my bug except I don't think mean things get names, not nice ones anyway.

September 12, 2007


I went back to Purdue for the first time since graduation to help with recruiting for my company. It was a little weird to be back. It really hasn't been that long since graduation and yet it seemed different in many ways. First of all, everyone looks so young! Did I look like that? I know I must have, but wow- they're babies!

Most of the major things were the same- the main bars like Jake's and Harry's, the bell tower, and the engineering fountain. But Pizza King is gone, replaced by Hot Box Pizza. What the hell is that? The Memorial Union is being remodelled. The lower level had all of the food places and they were all fairly unique, not chains. The design of the seating areas was made to look like the inside of a train. It's all been ripped out. I think that was the saddest part to me- I don't necessarily think that making things more modern is a good thing and I can only assume they will rebuild with a more modern look. To me, it seems more like losing a piece of the school's history. The I.E. (Industrial Engineering) school has also changed. Two of my favorite professors aren't there anymore- one retired which I already knew about (Solberg) and one is just gone and I'm not sure where she went (Stuart).

There were a couple of changes that made me happy. I was very involved with I.E. when I was at school and it was good to see that Alpha Pi Mu is still active. When I (and all my I.E. buddies) were members/officers in APM, we started a student commons where I.E. students can go to study, have access to computers, etc. Well, I'm happy to report that the room has been updated with new furniture and looks really nice now. Also, Dan and I spent a fair amount of time creating a "Top Ten Reasons to be an IE" t-shirt. The APM team had updated the reasons and it's better than ever.

I travelled with a coworker. John and I spent Tuesday at the Industrial Roundtable (career fair), looking for students that might be good for internships or full time roles at Platinum Solutions. We met a lot of great candidates but I think we were passed over by some because we're such a small company that many students haven't heard of us. I could see the looks on some of the kids faces, like they were too good to work for such a small company. I have to laugh a little at that since I was once one of those kids. As a student, I went to the Accenture booth and other big name companies. It's not until you start working at those big companies that you realize that sometimes you can get a lot more from the small companies. I've grown so much more at smaller companies because I'm able to get involved in so many more aspects of the business. But I guess each person has to experience that for themselves to see what's right for them.

We had two evenings at Purdue and managed to eat at Bruno's Pizza both nights. It was my favorite pizza place near campus and John even liked it enough to go back the second night. I also managed to find a Steak n' Shake to get a milkshake. Best milkshakes anywhere and we don't have them here in DC.

I was able to meet up with my old college buddy, Melanie, on Wednesday for lunch before heading home. I haven't seen her in 2 years since our friend, Andy's, wedding. It was great to catch up. I wish I was able to see my college friends more- I miss you guys!

I stocked up on Boilermaker gear while I was there too. :) Go Boilers!!!

August 29, 2007

Do I have to?

The fall semester has officially begun. You know, I used to get excited about school. Yes, I was the biggest school geek as an undergrad. I loved it. But now that I'm working, it's very different. I'm learning interesting things and the classes are good. But some of it seems silly now. Some things are so theoretical that I can't apply it to my work, so it seems kind of useless since I'm not planning to be a professor or change career paths after I receive my degree. I'm ready to graduate already! And I'm only about halfway through. :(

I decided to take an elective this fall which should be a little less work than the other classes I've taken. I've got a lot going on this fall so hopefully a lighter load of schoolwork will help with the stress levels. Fingers crossed.

August 24, 2007

I suck, I know.........

Ok, so I suck at this blogging thing lately. I'm writing this on September 28th even though I'm going to post it with an earlier date so everything after this will post on the dates they actually occured. Life got busy!!! Work got a little crazy for awhile (ok, always) and then I had a few out of town weeks, followed by a nasty stomach bug, allergies, and more crazy work. Oh yeah, and school started again. So now I'll go start catching up...........

August 10, 2007

Simpsons Movie

Spider Pig. Spider Pig. Does whatever a spider pig does..........
Oh my god, it was funny. That's it- just go see it. I want a pet pig.
Spider Pig Song

Making Contacts

I was invited to a party at my professors house this evening. Apparently he invited a select group of students. I struggled with whether to go because all he really knows about me is my grade in his class. I decided not to go in the end, partly due to a lot of work I wanted to complete before leaving for my mom's house for the weekend. But part of it was that thing in me that says not to make contacts this way. While I've always thought that it would be wonderful to have relationships with professors like I've seen in older movies where everyone can hang out together and have intellectual discussions, this just didn't quite seem to fit that description. For some reason, it felt more like making contacts. And I've always had a problem with just making contacts for the sake of making contacts.

Since the beginning of college, I've heard people talk about making contacts and how important it is. And while I agree that it's good to know people in your field, I feel that how the contacts are made is also important. Through my hard work and good grades, I feel like I've met the right people and I've never had to put any effort into it other than just being myself. I've made friends who know me well that I feel I could call if I needed something and vice versa. But I've never just built up my contact list. I feel like there's a big difference between the two. Does this make sense? One is actively trying to find people who can help me boost my career; the other is proving myself through my actions. Even though I was probably invited to this party based on my grade, it still doesn't feel quite right. Maybe it's because he also invited my moron group member, who I would NEVER have as a contact. Made me think the professor might not be such a good judge of character.

I'm probably blowing this out of proportion, but I just don't like to make contacts in this way. For one thing, I don't enjoy small talk; I find it meaningless. So a bunch of people getting together who don't know each other to inevitably chat about work felt more like a drain than an exciting possibility. I guess it seemed like the sole purpose of the party would be to make contacts. It's everything I disagree with in industry and government. All too often idiots get promoted to positions they aren't qualified for because they know someone. I never want to get ahead that way. I believe I can accurately state that the only time I've received a recommendation or offer of a position has been because the person knew my work ethic and the quality of my work, not because they met me at some party and we had small talk. I plan to keep it that way.

August 08, 2007

Stair Puppies

If I didn't know better, I'd think they were posing.........

August 07, 2007

Trey Mcintyre Project

Tonight, Toby and I went to Wolftrap (I love that place) to see the Trey McIntyre Project. It's a group of dancers (ballet and modern) that dance to modern music, like Beck and the Beatles. I've seen many different performances before and let's just say that there's a wide range in levels of dance in different companies. Just because there's a dance company doesn't mean the dancers are good and I've seen my share of crummy performances. This one, on the other hand, was amazing. The dancers were phenomenal- true athletes. In fact, I would call the boys beautiful. :) The fact that they danced to the Beatles made it that much better. The choreography was great too. I was thoroughly impressed and am hoping they will return next year so I can see them again. Here's the website if you want to check out more: Trey McIntyre Project If you are or were ever a dancer, you will want to check it out.

August 06, 2007

New Dance Class

I've been going to jazz classes for the last month and a half or so on Saturdays. Tonight I tried a new class with a different instructor at the same studio. The class was very different than the other one I've been taking but I really liked it. Plus, it's a male instructor and that tends to lead to different choreography- a little stronger, if that makes sense. After my new class, I was sore in all new parts of my body. I'm going to try to start taking class a couple days a week now. I heart dance.

August 03, 2007

Exam Results

Ok, so I'm not trying to brag, but I have to share. I just got an email from my professor congratulating me on getting a 100% on the final exam! This is so cool! Apparently, working my butt off all summer has paid off. Hmm...... I wonder if I'll get an A? :)

July 31, 2007


This band has been on my list of bands to see for a really long time. I used to listen to them all the time in college. I admit I haven't kept up as much since then but when I saw they were going to be in concert, I had to go. They played at Wolf Trap. I had never been there before but it is such a great venue. The entire pavilion is made of wood and the lawn seats are used for picnic-ing and people are allowed to bring food and wine/beer into the venue! I want to go see more shows at this place- it was so much nicer than the normal outside venues.

Pete Yorn opened for Guster. We just saw him at Bonnaroo and while I've always liked him, twice in 2 months might be a little much for Pete Yorn. Guster though- wow! They were awesome! The guy that plays the drums plays them with his hands and it's just cool to watch. I wasn't sure what Michael would think since he listens more to the actual instruments in a band while I listen more to the overall sound, including lyrics. But he really liked them too. So they must be good if we both liked them! Go get yourself some Guster!

July 30, 2007

Final Exam

Tonight was my final exam for my summer class. I felt like it went really well, so I figure I either did really well or REALLY didn't get it and did horribly. But I can usually judge how I did and it felt pretty good. Either way, I'm glad it's over! I put a LOT of effort into this summer class and definitely need a break. One month with no school- woohoo!

July 25, 2007


The class I'm taking this summer involves a big project. I teamed with another girl in the class and then a guy who didn't have a group asked to join us, so we let him join our group. Big mistake- major slacker. He's contributed almost nothing through the entire project and then, right at the end, decides to throw some ideas around to contribute (after I've been working a ton to pick up the slack). I was so irritated- too little, too late buddy! In the end, his contributions proved somewhat helpful to the project but it was such a struggle working with him. And I frankly just don't have time to deal with slackers. Between everything going on at work and taking this class, I'm at a point where if people aren't going to step up, I'll just do the work so it's done. I don't have time, nor is it my job, to coach slackers into working. The funniest part- he wanted to meet up for dinner after our last class. So, uh, he thinks we're all on great terms when I really think he's an incompetent idiot. Can some people really not take a hint? I'm not exactly the best at hiding my feelings towards people so you have to be a real idiot not to know how I feel about you. I'm not sure if he thinks he's making contacts or what- not only would I not be friends with him, I would avoid working with him at all costs too. So I'm at a loss to see how having dinner would be a good use of my time. The other girl and I both declined his invite.

July 19, 2007

Getting the "Best"

Something that has bothered me my entire life is people's desire to be like everyone else and have whatever everyone else has, regardless of how good that "whatever" is. I can understand the desire to want what is best but the term "best" seems to be getting more and more warped. Instead of being the best in terms of quality, best is now whatever product or service is best marketed.

This subject came up once again today when I went to trade in my phone and get a new one. I played with the Razor phone and the Chocolate phone and all the other new "best" products out there. They all seemed cheap and of poor quality to me. The razor phone isn't designed to fit in a hand ergonomically and it also felt like it might snap in two at any moment. The chocolate phone was just kinda big and didn't have anything special. So after looking around, I ended up with a Samsung that is REALLY skinny and light. It is awesome, but not one of the phones you would see most advertised, and therefore not coveted by the general masses.

This theme seems to be appearing more lately, and in strange places. It's one thing when it comes up with a product like a phone- that's just stupidity and it won't really hurt anyone. But I've been watching it happen in things like the medical field and how people choose doctors. A big example around the DC area is with laser eye surgery. There are a bunch of different places that do laser eye surgery, but there's no one in DC that hasn't heard of Dr. Boutros. To be clear- I'm not saying he's a bad doctor. In fact, he may indeed be the "best"; I'm not offering an opinion on his credentials. I'm just saying that people aren't checking the credentials; they're going based on the marketing ads because the ads say he's the best. That's just scary to me.

People just don't think logically. They really do "think" based on marketing. And apparently I missed the boat. With every decision I make, I like to weigh my alternatives and make the best choice for me (which I recognize is not the best choice for everyone). But I feel like the majority of people just go with whatever they've heard over the radio or seen on tv. I'm starting to question whether people are losing the ability to think for themselves.

July 17, 2007

Hole in my Head

I have crummy teeth- definitely hereditary. Whoever I got this from: thanks a bunch! Even though I brush and floss and go to the dentist regularly, I still end up with cavities. Today I went to get a crown, to replace a tooth that has already had a couple cavities. I've never had a crown and had no idea what to expect. To share- they basically drill off your entire tooth! I stuck my tongue up there at one point and was a little horrified to feel the stub of tooth left behind after the drilling. I also didn't know that they take all these impressions of your teeth and have to send away for the new tooth / crown. In the mean time, they glue (yes, like elmer's) a temporary tooth in place so you can still eat as normal. I looked in the mirror and can actually see the line of glue! Thankfully, it's in the back of my mouth!

July 12, 2007

Kitty in a Box

The kitty will do anything for a good box. I can't tell you how many kitty beds I've bought over the years- no interest from the kitty at all. Now we just let her play in boxes after going to Costco or getting mail. She's never been happier. I just think it's funny that she thinks she can fit into much smaller spaces then she actually can.

July 06, 2007

Izzie Butt

Couldn't think of a better title. One of the things that cracks us up about Izzie is how she lays with her back feet stretched directly behind her. Here's some Izzie butt for you............ it's so cute.

July 02, 2007

Who Needs the Dog Park?

Ever since I got Georgie, I've been looking for a good dog park. There's a good one in Baltimore but that's a little far. :) The dog parks in Northern Virginia have proven to be less than impressive. A neighbor me about a relatively undiscovered park less than a mile away so on Sunday I went to check it out. The park is really just the huge backyard of an older man with a bunch of land. He donated it to the county as parkland but not a lot of people know it's there. And it's generally accepted that dogs run off leash there. Jackpot! The pups have found their new favorite place. And it's great because it's within walking distance! Who knew? I plan to spend a lot of time here. It's great for socializing the pups, which Georgie still needs to work on a bit. And the place is gorgeous. Check out the pics.....

Here's Georgie and Izzie with one of their newly made friends. This is a good pic to see the size of the park. I'm taking the pic from about the center of the park- there's a LOT of room for running.

My little angels.........

OK, this picture makes me laugh every time I see it. Izzie LOVES playing fetch with her ball. I got her mid catch. Oh, the passion in those eyes........ :)

June 30, 2007

5, 6, 7, 8..........

I woke up this morning with the strong desire to do something just for me. I've been working a lot, have had an excessive amount of school work, and just haven't had a lot of time for myself. I've wanted to check out a dance studio in Bethesda, Maryland (Joy of Motion) for awhile now but haven't had the chance. I think I've also been avoiding it because I've been afraid it will be bad (like the others I've tried) and this is sort of my last hope at finding a studio. I decided to try a jazz class today anyway.

The class was 2 hours long, which is a fairly long class. It's a lot longer when you've been out of dance for about 8 years. :) I was hurting after the first hour. The class was great though. We did a dance combination at the end that I would label more as contemporary style than jazz, but it was still pretty good. I'm excited to have found a place with a good instructor and good choreography. Finally! There are several other instructors that I'd like to try out at some point too. And I'm happy to say that I kept up. It seriously took every ounce of strength in my body, but I kept up and held my own in the class. I still have a lot of work to do to be able to dance the way I once could though.

Every muscle in my body aches. Literally. I have never experienced any other form of exercise that can work out every muscle the way dance can. I love it! And dance is so much more fun and personally rewarding for me than going to the gym. I'm hoping I can manage to keep up and continue going to class. It's a good day.

June 29, 2007

Jimmy Buffett Concert

Finally- I got tickets! Michael and I went to the Buffett concert tonight. I've been to a bunch of Buffett concerts but I think the last one was probably in 2000. It's been awhile.

My very first concert experience (other than little things with my mom as a kid) was Buffett when I was 15. I went in Ohio when I was visiting after the move to Arizona. All but 2 of the people I went with were arrested for underage drinking (I was not drinking). Apparently at concerts, they don't really take you anywhere after being arrested, but instead processed the kids there, called parents, and then we were still all able to attend the concert. Go figure. Anyway, we spent the day in the field where we parked, hanging out with other parrotheads. It was crazy. It rained (ok poured) and there was a huge natural mudslide that people were sliding down. The whole experience was craziness, as every good Buffett concert should be. :)

I've also seen Buffett in Phoenix several times and in Virginia Beach with my mom. Can't remember if I saw him in Indiana......... I tried to get tickets this year for Buffett but they sold out within minutes. A coworker knew someone with extra tickets so I literally walked into work today and found out I was going to Buffett tonight. The concert was great, although it rained the entire time. In some ways, I think it was better in the rain because otherwise it would have been about 100 degrees. There were kids trying to slide down the hill (nothing like my Ohio experience) but it definitely brought back some memories. The Buffett concerts have come full circle. :)

The culture of Buffett is much different in Northern Virginia than in other places I've been. Other places are more into the whole parrothead theme. I didn't feel like I had the same experience as at other venues. Maybe it's because other places let you party all day before the concert and Nissan Pavilion is very strict about not allowing that. Maybe it's because we arrived shortly before the concert and it rained the whole time. Or maybe this area just has a different culture in general. I swear, DC is an anomaly in so many regards.

Things I learned at the Buffett concert:
1. The rain jacket I've been using for several years is apparently water resistant and not water proof. A very important distinction when standing in pouring rain for hours. I had a rain jacket but was soaked to the bone. :)
2. Nissan Pavilion parking sucks. The concert venue only has 2 exits from the parking lot. We arrived shortly before the concert started and were near the back of the lot. When we left, we just sat in line (literally not moving) for over an hour.
3. Buffett has changed. A lot of his music is more country now than it used to be. I guess I'm a bigger fan of his older music. Still a great concert.

June 21, 2007

Best Friends

When we first got Izzie, Georgie wasn't quite sure what was happening. He was friendly and would play and share his toys, but cuddling was off limits. So much for that............. It's so cute watching them together now. Cuddling is normal. They just love each other.

June 10, 2007

Photo Contest- 2nd Place!

My company does an annual photography contest. The themes this year were family (including pets) and nature/outdoors. I submitted a couple of photos and won 2nd place for my bamboo forest picture that I took in Japan.
I'd like to thank my family and friends (tears here) for always supporting me in my photo endeavors............... totally just kidding. :)

June 08, 2007

Knocked Up

No, not me- the movie! I spent the evening with Dan (college buddy). We did sushi and a movie- Knocked Up, by the same people as 40 Year Old Virgin. It was FUNNY. But I think you need to have experienced some life and relationships to really get it. A definite addition to the movie collection.

June 07, 2007

CMMI Decision

This week the decision of how to move forward with our CMMI appraisal at work finally came to a head. It's been a major stresser for me at work. Even though my primary function is supposed to be getting our company to CMMI Level 3 this year, I've been pulled into so many other things (which I enjoy) that I haven't had the time to properly focus on it. So I've been promised no more work on proposal efforts until after the CMMI appraisal which should help a bit. Plus, I've just realized I'm going to have to put in a lot more time outside of the office to just get it done. With that decision made, I actually somehow have less stress, even though there is a major deadline to meet and a TON of work to be done to get there (hence my shortage of posts recently). Time to plug away...........

June 03, 2007

Baby Proof

I just finished the book "Baby Proof" by Emily Giffin. Since I'm not taking the summer off from school, I'm reading "lighter" books right now. ;) It dealt with the topic of a couple who had agreed they didn't want kids and then once married, one decides that they do. It's interesting to me because I've never been 100% sure of whether I want kids so I enjoyed reading the story of someone with similar ideas (even if it is fiction). I've always thought it odd that people don't explore whether they want kids but just assume they will have them because it's what is expected at a certain point in life. No one takes the time to think of whether it's really what they want. And by "want", I don't mean wanting to just "have" kids, but wanting to raise and nurture another human being into a productive member of society. People forget that part all too often. And I think many people have kids for all the wrong reasons. It's always been important to me to think through these things so that if I decide I want kids, I'll do it right, not just have them to check the box on the checklist of life. The book explores the depths people will go for relationships and to have kids- some good, some bad. Good summer reading.

June 02, 2007

Toby Day

Tonight I hung out with Toby, sorta for her b-day, but mainly just to get together. We got some dinner and ended up across from an Ann Taylor Loft store. Soooo dangerous. She's been making me shop too much lately. :) Yes, I blame you, Toby. Then we went back to her house and were planning to watch a movie until I noticed that they have a Wii. So we played some games on the wii, which was a lot of fun- bowling, tennis, and even Mario Kart (my favorite). We ended up playing and talking, so much better than a movie.

May 31, 2007

You Make Me Laugh

I started grad school last fall and had class on Tuesday and Thursday. Then in the spring I had class on Wednesday but I would always get voicemails on Tuesday and Thursday from people saying "Oh, you must be in class now." (wrong day) I got that all semester. I just started my summer class and it's on Mondays. Yesterday I got 2 messages saying "Oh, it's Wednesday, you must be in class." These are the same people that couldn't remember I had class on Wednesday all last semester. Cracks me up. So maybe in the fall, you'll all think I have class on Monday. :) Thanks for the chuckle!

May 29, 2007

Road Rage

Bad drivers with road rage really irritate me. I was driving to work in the left lane of the freeway, behind someone going REALLY slow. If you want to drive 45 mph on the freeway, fine, just do it in the right lane. So after flashing my lights and hoping she would get over, I passed her on the right (thanks for making me break the rules of the road lady!). When I passed, I just couldn't resist giving a light honk and gesturing that she should get over a lane. This may sound mean, but I promise it was not done in a mean way. Well, I guess this made her angry because she became a crazy, road raging, idiot. She tailed me for a few miles until I got off the freeway at the exit for my work. The whole time she was flailing around in the car and making gestures (not nice ones) and yelling. I wonder if she's aware that I can't hear her in my car. It's ironic that in all her fury, she actually did exactly what I was hoping for and got out of the left lane. But I just can't understand people that do something wrong and then get mad at the person that points it out. It just doesn't make any sense.

May 28, 2007

In the News

Here's another article on my company in the news. It's an article about our Halo room. Where Xbox Meets Lunchbox Have I mentioned how great this place is???

May 26, 2007

Louis CK at the Improv

Tonight we went to the Improv and saw Louis CK. He had a show on HBO for awhile called Lucky Louie. It was a great show but got cancelled. If you have a chance, Netflix it. It's really funny but you do have to enjoy the more dry, sarcastic kind of humor. The show was hilarious- even the opening guys were pretty funny. We had great seats since we bought our tickets last January and the seating is based on when you buy the tix. Really funny stuff- I had that painful cheeks feeling from laughing too much throughout the show. :)

May 25, 2007

My New Friend James

In order to get allergy drops instead of allergy shots, I had to get a blood test for my allergies. As I've mentioned, I'm needle phobic so the idea of having blood drawn is not pleasant. And it's been a REALLY long time since I've had blood drawn so I've had time to build up the idea of the trauma involved with needles. I finally psyched myself up to go get the blood drawn- I bailed on the first appointment. I am SO good at finding reasons not to go. :)

I got to the doctor's office and the nurses promptly told me I have no veins. Fabulous. So I guess they just decided to go for it with no knowledge of where the veins are. They stuck me with the needle and then just start wiggling it around under my skin, searching for the vein. What is wrong with these people? I told them I was phobic, but I guess they thought contributing to my reasons for being phobic would be a good idea. After the arm didn't work, they tried the vein in my hand and did the same wiggling technique (FYI- wiggling a needle around under your skin in your hand HURTS). Is that what they call it in nursing school- the wiggling technique? Or were these people actually competent at one point in their careers?

After torturing me with the wiggling needles, they finally sent me to the lab to get a professional to do the job. You'd think they would have done that originally since they couldn't find the veins. Just a thought. Anyway, I explained the situation to the lab and they got their "best guy" who does babies and people with hard to find veins. The guy, James, was really nice and careful and got it on the first try. (I think I developed an immediate crush.) I must have thanked him about a hundred times. So basically all blood work in my future will be done by James.

May 13, 2007

Mommy's Day

My mom was in town for the weekend and we got to play on Saturday for Mother's Day. We went out to the outlet mall and shopped for awhile, then got some sushi for dinner. I finally got to introduce her to my favorite sushi place. It was fun spending the day together. Here's a picture of me and my mommy many years ago.
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

May 10, 2007

Catching Up

I haven't posted much lately because life has been chaotic. Seems like something crazy has happened every day- some good, some bad. So here's the short version of what's been happening:

The Good:
1. I found out I have a security clearance and no one ever told me! My paperwork was submitted when I worked at the State Department and apparently went through over a year ago but no one ever let me know. So that's kind of exciting.
2. Yesterday was my final exam for the Statistics class. I think I did well but mostly, I'm just really glad it's over. That professor was horrible.
3. I found an alternative for allergy shots: allergy drops! They are drops you put under your tongue and work as well or better than the shots. My friend Toby told me about them so now I'm meeting with a doctor and should be on the drops in the next couple of weeks! Yay!
4. I now have a Blackberry for work. It will be nice to be able to get email when I'm at client sites or on the metro. Guess this means I'm officially connected 24 hours a day now. Maybe I should move this one to the bad list........... :)
5. Work gets more interesting by the day. I've been pulled in to helping with final interviews for potential candidates for our company. I've always loved recruiting and interviewing so this is a good addition to my role.

The Bad:
1. My stats professor called an extra class on Monday since he failed to cover all the material in the semester and then taught an entire chapter that would be about a fourth of the exam 2 days later.
2. Izzie peed on the couch. I about had a heart attack. Thankfully, the couch is under warranty and they're sending someone out to clean it next week. If that doesn't work, I don't know what happens.
3. More bodily fluids: Michael cut one of Georgie's nails too short and it bled...... all over the condo. So now we have lots of blood to clean up. On top of that, it wouldn't stop bleeding and once it did, Georgie would lick it until it started again. So he's been in bandages for 3 days now.
4. My windshield must have been hit by a rock. I didn't see it happen but I now have a huge crack running across my windshield.
5. I drank some old milk last night with a bowl of cereal. About an hour later I was projectile vomiting in the bathroom. Good stuff.
6. I have some random pain in my jaw that won't allow me to clench my teeth on the left side. And it hurts really badly. It's been 4 days so I'm thinking I have to go to the doctor.
7. I went to the dentist and need a crown which apparently is going to cost a small fortune.

My postings have also slowed down cause I've been working more. With Steph out and the added responsibilities of writing for a proposal and interviewing, there just aren't enough hours in the day for everything. I was stressing a lot about work and not being able to get everything done. I've never had that experience before but there is just too much to possibly get done with one person. That's hard for me to accept sometimes. But Steph and all the rest of the management team is very supportive and completely understands how much is on my plate so that helps to relieve the stress. I'm so impressed by the real belief in work/life balance at my job. Lots of companies talk about it but this one seems to actually mean it.

May 09, 2007

Help the Puppies!

Here's your chance to do a good deed for the day, everyday:

The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota for getting free food donated to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on the box "fund food for animals". It doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to the shelter in exchange for advertising. Please click on the link below, go click the button, and tell people you know!
Animal Rescue Site

April 25, 2007


Apparently I missed a very interesting class on my birthday. I refused to go to class on my birthday because I refused to be miserable on my birthday. But I've got my inside sources that keep me posted on all the gossip. :) So I got an earful about how the professor spent the majority of the class ranting because he found out about my complaint letter. He doesn't know my name, but he knows that the complaint was filed by a female Operations Research student. So uh, that limits it down to about 3 of us in the class. There were other complaints but that is the one he knows about, I guess because my complaint was more formal than some of the others. Anyway, he spent the class yelling about the complaint, directing all of his anger at the other two female OR students. Very professional. He also spent time discussing how he is leaving the university to go into industry. Why? Because the caliber of students has obviously decreased. So it's our fault that he's incompetent. Again, we come back to my disgust with people who refuse to take responsibility for their actions.

I felt it was my responsibility to let the department know what happened. So I sent an email to the OR Chair as well as the Dean. I wanted to make sure they knew that there will likely be 3 of us that will be retaliated against in our grades. The next day, I got a call saying that the professor would not be teaching the class, at least this week and maybe not for the rest of the semester. My first response was a mixture of shock and happiness. It was such a good feeling to know that this type of behavior will not be tolerated and that the school had taken action to ensure a positive educational experience for their students.

Well, then I went to class. The Chair of the Statistics Department was there to teach the class. First off, he gave a GREAT class. It was thorough, moved at a good pace, and he was able to explain things and answer questions. It's the way I would have expected this class to run from the beginning. The problem now is that he's teaching things assuming that we understand all of the topics in the previous chapters. But we haven't really been taught that. I took notes but have a ton of big question marks down the side of my notes where I was lost.

I left the class feeling entirely overwhelmed. The final is in 2 weeks and we're flying through material, including things that involve math from calculus 2 and 3. If we had been doing this since the beginning of the semester, I would have refreshed myself on the topics. But now there are 2 weeks. I can't reteach myself calc 2 and 3 as well as an entire semester of statistics in that time. And we have no idea what to expect on the final now. If the final is written as it should be for this course, I fully expect to fail.

I'm not sure what to do now. If I email the department, I'm complaining about their solution, even though I've been begging for a solution. So I just feel like a complainer. But at the same time, I don't think they fully understand how bad the class was with the old professor. I really think it's something you had to experience in order to understand. So I'm just kind of lost and overwhelmed now.

April 24, 2007

Most Adorable Puppy Ever

I have no story with this. I just have the cutest puppy in the whole world!

April 23, 2007

Taking over for Stephanie

I was naively hopeful that when my boss went on maternity leave, I wouldn't really be taking over ALL of her responsibilities. I was very very wrong to hope for such things. I suppose it doesn't help that her boss, our COO, is also out this entire month. So the projects seem to be turning to me for everything. We have one project that requires a little more handholding than others and I swear I hear from them at least 10 times a day, asking me to review something or help with something or give advice on something. I don't mind the responsibility or helping, in fact I'm really enjoying the role. The only problem is that we're also supposed to be preparing to go to CMMI Level 3 in the fall and I haven't even had a second to think about it since my boss left. I worked 14 hours today, all on one project. Just to clarify, I am not a project person; I'm a corporate person that is supposed to be aiding the projects with quality. So I'm wearing a lot of hats right now. I'm definitely getting involved in a lot of interesting project activities which I like, but it also gets a little frustrating sometimes knowing all of the other things I should be doing but don't have time for. Sometimes I just want to tell some of the project members to think things through a little more before punting to me for help. There are times when I feel like they create a very rough draft of something, assuming I will take the time to fix all of the gaps, without considering the fact that I might have my own tasks to do too. So that can get a little frustrating. At the same time, it is so interesting to see all the aspects of the project and to be able to help in such a big way.