Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

July 25, 2007


The class I'm taking this summer involves a big project. I teamed with another girl in the class and then a guy who didn't have a group asked to join us, so we let him join our group. Big mistake- major slacker. He's contributed almost nothing through the entire project and then, right at the end, decides to throw some ideas around to contribute (after I've been working a ton to pick up the slack). I was so irritated- too little, too late buddy! In the end, his contributions proved somewhat helpful to the project but it was such a struggle working with him. And I frankly just don't have time to deal with slackers. Between everything going on at work and taking this class, I'm at a point where if people aren't going to step up, I'll just do the work so it's done. I don't have time, nor is it my job, to coach slackers into working. The funniest part- he wanted to meet up for dinner after our last class. So, uh, he thinks we're all on great terms when I really think he's an incompetent idiot. Can some people really not take a hint? I'm not exactly the best at hiding my feelings towards people so you have to be a real idiot not to know how I feel about you. I'm not sure if he thinks he's making contacts or what- not only would I not be friends with him, I would avoid working with him at all costs too. So I'm at a loss to see how having dinner would be a good use of my time. The other girl and I both declined his invite.

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