Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

April 26, 2009


Molly and I went to see Ragtime at the Kennedy Center tonight. This wasn't on my top list of shows to see but I thought it would be interesting. It follows 3 families in New York at the beginning of the 20th century.

For me, it was just ok. Following 3 separate families didn't allow a very deep connection with any individual character. I think perhaps the point was more to give a broad view of the time period and it definitely did that. But I didn't feel anything. For me, the theater should leave me with something more than, "oh, that was a lovely view of the early 1900s." I can watch a documentary or read a history book for that.

April 23, 2009

My Professor is an A-Hole

And I'd say it to his face if my grade wasn't in his hands. We're getting close to the end of the semester and we had to do a practice version of our final project presentation tonight. Each group had a time slot during the normal class hour; ours was last, from 9:30 - 10:00pm. At 9:30 we realized that there was still another group to go before us so we asked the professor whether we should wait or reschedule. His response: "I'll be here" in a completely snarky tone to convey that we were expected to stick around. I take issue with this. A professor should not expect that you stay at school an hour or more past class time with no prior warning.

To make matters worse, at about 10:15pm, when we finally started presenting, a guy came into the room to inform us that he's supposed to shut down the computer/projector and lock the classroom because the classrooms close at 10pm. The professor's response: "So? We're not done." What an a-hole. I mean, he could have told the guy that we really needed to get through this presentation and would he mind waiting, etc. But no, he expects everyone to cater to him. I don't use the word hate often, but I hate people like this. How dare he treat people this way and decide that he's more important than everyone else he encounters?

The entire semester has been this way. He shoots down ideas before hearing them. He demeans and belittles. He loves to talk about how much he knows and how he was a CEO. Big whoop. I take a small amount of comfort in knowing that he would NEVER pass a final interview at my company. I still really want to tell him what an a$$ he is though. I have zero respect for this man. When will people learn that respect is not required based on a title? It is earned through your actions.

April 18, 2009

My 30th Birthday!

I'm officially out of my 20's and into my 30's! Is it weird that I'm excited about this? Everyone kept asking if I was going to have a meltdown. Why is this supposed to be a sad thing? I have big plans for my 30's. The goal for my 20's was to focus on work and get to a certain career level. Goal accomplished. My plan for my 30's is to stay focused on my work but also focus more on my personal life. I'm finally ready to settle down and start thinking about having a family. That's so much cooler than my 20's goal. What's not to be excited about?

My birthday started on Friday, when my mom came to visit and celebrate with me. We spent the day at the spa. So, anyone who knows me knows that I don't do that. Ever. I spent 4 hours getting pampered with a facial (first time), massage, manicure, and pedicure. OMG. I am addicted. I don't want to be "one of those girls" but um, this was heaven!
On Saturday (my actual birthday), a bunch of us went out in DC for sushi. Perry's is a rooftop sushi restaurant so we could enjoy the perfect weather and see the city. There was way too much sake ordered and somehow it kept being poured for me. But it was delicious! After that we went dancing- of course. We tried a new place but ended up at my favorite- Sign of the Whale. We danced all night and I drank way too much but it was an awesome night and a good way to celebrate the big 3-0.

April 16, 2009

Purge Time

My posts have been few and far between as I wrap up the end of this seemingly endless semester. I took one night out of my work hard, play hard schedule to do some good- for others and for myself.

If you walk into my closet, you would realize that I can basically avoid rewearing the same outfit for about a year. It is ridiculous. The worst part is that half of it doesn't fit and another quarter I don't like, leaving me with a more normal-sized wardrobe. I have waited, hoping that one of you would realize my need to be on "What Not to Wear" but apparently that's not meant to be (half kidding). It's time to purge.

After one evening of trying on a ton of clothing, I have the following to give to goodwill:
- 30 pairs of pants
- 10 shirts
- 5 skirts / shorts

And there's still more to go through. No, I'm not kidding. My resolution for my fast-approaching 30th birthday is that I will no longer buy clothing because it's on sale and will only buy things that I truly love.

April 05, 2009


After being gone for a week, I needed some time at home. I did long walks with Georgie, and was even able to take both pups on a 4 1/2 mile walk when I convinced Dan to go with me. Here's some pics from puppy playtime and the baths that followed. I love the things I can capture with my new camera.
No part of Izzie is touching the ground.

Izzie is stalking the yellow flower.

My Handsome Boy

Izzie in the bath with her fro hairdo.

Gotta love that tongue.

March 25, 2009


I went to a conference in San Jose this week and spent the weekend beforehand in San Francisco visiting friends and checking out the city. The last time I was here it was all about the major touristy sights; this time it was about the nightlife, good food, and friends. I met up with Jonathan, a friend from college, for Ethiopian food (my first time) and then went to a bar in Berkeley with some of his friends.
I went out a couple of nights with Manuel, an old coworker from DC. We had excellent sushi, went to a super-posh lounge, and explored Napa. I tried to defend our Virginia wines but I have to give it to Napa- they know what's up with wine. In Virginia, I go to vineyards and find one or two wines I like. In Napa, I liked every wine! It was amazing. We closed one of the wineries but the girl was very friendly and we ended up there for another hour, in which she just kept pouring us more wine!
I did a quick tour of the major sights to take pictures with my new camera. Here's Manuel and I near the Golden Gate bridge and then one of the sea lions in Fisherman's Wharf. I am in love with the Bay Bridge. The Golden Gate is fine, but the architecture of the Bay Bridge is amazing. It's 2 levels, one for each direction of traffic. The architecture is raw- that's the best word I can use to describe it. You can see all of the beams and bolts. It is gorgeous in how raw it is; I couldn't get enough.
I have to comment on the traffic. I drove a couple of times during "rush hour". It's in quotes because I think they are adorable for calling it rush hour. It's true that there are a lot of cars on the road, but everyone is going 70mph. That is NOT rush hour! Rush hour is the beltway in DC that creeps at 10mph and sometimes doesn't move at all. It was also different in Cali because people don't honk. Everyone is polite and will even let you merge if you put your signal on. It was like being in a foreign land. I'm used to road rage as a normal occurrence in DC.

I will always love the west coast. The air is completely different out there. It's always the first thing I notice when I get off the plane. It's more clear because it doesn't have all the humidity and just feels different and more fresh. Everything in Cali is so much more chill and laid back than the east coast too. Love it.

March 19, 2009


Tonight I let my inner 12-year-old girl out. I'm not sure this version of myself has ever been released before. I've never been one to get excited about celebrities, actors, boy-bands, etc. As for New Kids on the Block, I never had a giant poster of Joey on my wall or Jordan's face on my sheets. But when I saw that NKOTB was going to be in town, I couldn't resist. And thankfully, neither could 2 of my girlfriends.

Lesley made t-shirts for us with NKOTB iron-ons. She had a little mishap though and ended up doing the iron-ons backwards so the words are all reversed. It just made them that much better. I will keep mine forever.
The concert was in Baltimore. We went to get a few drinks beforehand, since clearly one needs to be at least slightly intoxicated for an NKOTB concert. Then we went and screamed our hearts out. It was awesome. The New Kids sang a bunch of the old songs that we all still know and love (whether you choose to admit it or not). Jordan did a song with his white button down shirt open and blowing behind him. I have never screamed at a concert until this one but then, I have never been to a boy band concert before. I think screaming is required. We screamed like teenagers and enjoyed being silly. This was probably one of the best times I've ever had at a concert.
Joey 4Ever! Let's Get This!

March 07, 2009


I got to play with my new camera today and also got some new additions for my photography hobby, including some protective lenses and a mini-tripod. I got some great shots of Izzie playing fetch. This is my favorite pic of the day.

March 06, 2009

A Bronx Tale

Dan and I went to see A Bronx Tale tonight at the Warner Theater. We got dinner beforehand at Chef Geoff's, which was very good. The show was phenomenal. Chazz Palminteri was excellent. The show is a one-man show but Chazz Palminteri plays multiple characters. It was really amazing how he was able to slip in and out of different roles. Check it out if it's in your city.

March 03, 2009

New Toy

I've always been interested in photography and always planned to make it a major hobby of mine. Anyone that knows me knows that I don't leave the house without my little camera. You never know when you might need to capture a moment. It's kind of like leaving the house without a book- still very difficult for me. But that's another story.

Today I got the Nikon D80 digital camera with the changeable lenses. What's great is that the lenses from the Nikon film camera I have from a decade ago also fit. So suddenly I find myself with a new camera and 5 lenses! I am so excited about my new camera. Now I just have to figure out how to use it!

March 01, 2009

Lotsa Snow

What is this nonsense? It's 70 degrees one day and snowing the next. One cycle like that, fine. But it has happened 3 or 4 times now. I'm so over Winter. Where is Spring???

Here are some pics of the 8 or 9 inches we got today. The pups had a blast.

I love how you can't even see his legs in the snow. :)

February 28, 2009

Game Night

I hosted game night tonight. I forgot how awesome Taboo is. Ok, no I didn't. But I haven't played in years. We played boys against girls and, as always, the girls won. :)

February 27, 2009

Flip Cup

Tonight was a night of forgotten ID's, flip cup, and general craziness.
I realized after getting into the city that I left my passport at home, which I usually carry with me. My license is old and looks VERY fake so I didn't think I would actually get into the bar. After much scrutiny, the bouncer decided to let me in. Strangely enough, Molly also forgot her ID tonight and had to go all the way home to VA to get it. She's a trooper though and actually came back.

We met a group of people at Stetson's. They allow flip cup. I haven't played since college but I'm happy to report that I still have mad skillz. Somehow I managed to lose my phone during the evening. It was a good night though.

Best Vet Ever!

I am in awe of my vet. I used to take my pups to the Petsmart vet because it was cheaper. Last year, I found a new vet when my kitty got sick because I wasn't comfortable taking her to Petsmart. (I've never been very happy with their service or care.) So I decided that I would switch Georgie over to this vet as well.

Taking Georgie to the vet is always a nightmare. He gets very nervous, sheds excessively, and spends most of the time cowering in the corner. This vet experience was like spending time with the dog whisperer. The vet didn't want to stress Georgie so he just got down on the floor and examined him there. He spoke in this calming voice the entire time and so Georgie stayed calm too. Georgie NEVER takes treats from the vet but today he was perfectly happy to take a treat from this vet. Unbelievable. He was even wagging his tail! We have definitely found our vet for life.

If you're in the area and need a vet, go to Dr. Alt at Burke Veterinary Clinic. I can't say enough about how great he is.

February 21, 2009

Buck Hunter

I met up with the boys (Dan and Tim) this evening at a bar in DC for a few drinks and some Buck Hunter. I've been curious to try this game for awhile and I have to say, it kinda rocks. It's like the old Duck Hunt game on the Nintendo. Awesome.

February 17, 2009

Only in West Virginia

It looks like I'll be heading to West Virginia every now and then for work. Today I went to help out with a recruiting event, conduct interviews, etc. I see the strangest things on my drives to WV, so here's a new little blog series: "Only in West Virginia". Enjoy.

Only in West Virginia....... do you see someone getting a christmas tree on February 17th.

February 14, 2009

February 13, 2009

Awesome Night Out

Tonight was another one of those really great evenings. I seem to be having a bunch of those lately. Dan and I went to see Avenue Q at the Warner Theater. It ranks in my top 5 favorite shows- hilarious.
After the show we met up with friends and ended up at Sign of the Whale. This continues to be one of my favorite bars in the city. They play 80s music: what else do I need to say? We danced into the wee hours of the night. I was one happy girl.

February 12, 2009

It Was Only a Matter of Time

I got pulled over this morning for speeding. I tried to explain that I was going the speed of traffic but the officer told me I was going much faster than everyone else. No, I was just the idiot that didn't see him in time to slam on my breaks. Does he really not know how fast people go on Fairfax County Parkway?

He also gave me a ticket for failing to obtain a Virginia Driver's License. I knew I was flirting with disaster by not updating my license, but seriously, my Arizona license doesn't expire until 2039. No kidding. With my continuously growing list of important things to do, replacing a driver's license that doesn't expire for another 30 years didn't exactly make the top ten. After running my license, he came back and said, "You've been here for 5 years???" I had to bite my tongue from saying, "Actually, it's been closer to 6. But who's counting?"

Why can't I just be like I was when I was 16? I was once pulled over for speeding and immediately started crying. It was genuine. It was the fear of my mother's wrath when she found out combined with the fear of not being able to drive, which was everything at age 16. The officer let me go with a warning. Now I have to bite my tongue to control the sarcasm. Sigh. How life changes......

February 07, 2009

Alvin Ailey

Today was one of those memorably great days. I went to my dance class during the day, then met Molly and Toby for an evening at the Kennedy Center. We went to see the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, which I've always wanted to see but never had the chance. We met for dinner at the Kennedy Center cafeteria beforehand. It brought a new definition to "cafeteria". There was a chef and I had an amazing dish with pasta, veggies, and scallops. Delicious.

The show was amazing, probably the best dance performance I've ever seen. The dancers were unbelievably good and the dances were full of emotion and meaning. You could tell the dancers felt their performance, which sounds like it should be the norm for dancers but isn't always the case.

I found that I used to know one of the male dancers in the company. He took class at this awful studio in Arizona. I remember taking some master classes with him at conventions. The guy was amazing, even as a teenager. He was one of those dancers that you knew was going to be a dancer for his career, so no surprise that he's part of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.

To top off an incredible day of dance, the weather took a crazy turn and it was beautiful day, mid-60's or so (up about 40 degrees from a few days earlier). Gorgeous. It's crazy how much weather can affect the mood of a day. I was so happy; I can't wait for the warm weather to come.

February 06, 2009

Big Bowl

My friend Anne's birthday is next week so a bunch of people went to dinner to celebrate. Anne and I had just been shopping and managed to show up in an almost identical outfit. Obviously we shop together way too much.

We went to Big Bowl for dinner. I will never go back. The menu selections were limited and the food was mediocre at best. My meal was so spicy I could barely eat it. And I like spicy. But it wasn't spicy in a way that added to the food. It was spicy for the sake of being spicy. Not impressed.

February 04, 2009

Super Cute

I found this and I just couldn't help it. It says "I love my mom". I think Izzie actually likes clothes. I'm creating a monster. :)

February 01, 2009

Superbowl XLIII

I had a small get-together at my place to watch the Superbowl. My friend, Andrea, from high school even drove up from UVA to help me support the Cardinals. We had such high hopes for our team and they almost pulled it off, if only there were a little less time in the game. As for the Steelers: I wonder how it feels to win based on a few mistakes by the other team, as opposed to playing well..........

January 31, 2009

Back to my old hood

It's amazing how quickly perceptions change. I lived in Leesburg for 2 years but now it seems like a really far drive. I've become one of those DC people that thinks Leesburg is out in the middle of nowhere. I haven't been back in a long time but there was a birthday party out there that I went to tonight. Afterwards, we went to check out one of the dive bars I used to love: Shenanigans. It was kinda cool to be back in my old hood again.

January 20, 2009


For the first time, I was truly excited about an Inauguration. This inauguration is historic; it will be something to tell my children about. Having the opportunity to attend was incredible and something I couldn't pass up.

The concert on Sunday was amazing. There were a bunch of great performers (Springsteen, Garth Brooks, U2, etc.) but the amazing part had more to do with the atmosphere. You could feel the energy and the spirit of the people there. Unbelievable. I'm not one to be easily moved but there were moments when I had to fight back the tears. Looking at the crowd, I could see the hope on the faces around me. People are ready for change in a way that I don't think has happened at any other point in my lifetime. Adding to that the historic moment of electing our first African American President was almost to much to handle. I wish I could better communicate the feeling. Hopefully all of the pictures I'm posting will help.
Crowd at the concert

Security at the concert
A group of us got tickets to the Inauguration through a friend so we were up early on Tuesday to head out to wait in the long lines. At about 9am, they shut down everything, said the area was full, and it no longer mattered that we had tickets: we weren't getting in. We actually had a pretty good view but decided that it was too cold to stand there for another couple of hours. Plus, with the craziness of the crowds, we weren't sure we would make it to the parade if we stayed. And I couldn't feel my toes- that was the deciding factor for me.

The crowd trying to get in to the Inauguration
The message is true, even if the grammar is poor.
We spent the next 2 hours trying to travel about 10 blocks; I guess you could say we took the scenic route. Many of the streets were already closed so it was difficult to get anywhere. I've never seen so many people. At one point, we actually walked through a tunnel that was blocked off; seeing people walking on major roads with no cars was bizarre. It felt like Armageddon.

We watched the parade from a friend of a friend's apartment that overlooked Pennsylvania Ave. We were right at the point where Obama and Biden got out of their cars and walked. It was a moment that I will always remember.
These few days were exhausting but completely worth it. I feel so fortunate to have been part of this historic weekend.
Many of the pics in this posting were taken by Dan Murphy (gotta give credit where it's due). The boy is talented. This is my favorite picture of the weekend. I think it encompasses the feeling of the Inauguration and everyone's hope for the change that is desperately needed in our country.

January 15, 2009

West Virginia (again)

I spent the last 2 days in Clarksburg, West Virginia to do the quality kick-off for our new project out there. It was 2 degrees. I can't comprehend 2 degrees. We got a couple inches of snow while out there too. This trip was kind of fun because a good portion of our Reston office was out there for an open house at our new office. I'm glad to be home though.

January 10, 2009

Dance Class

I went to a jazz class today (same one I've taken both of the last 2 summers). Usually when I haven't taken class for so long, I have a hard time making it through the entire 2-hour class. I think all the running I've been doing has given me some endurance and strength though. I made it through the class and it felt great. I've also lost about 12 pounds since the summer and that made a huge difference. It's hard not to feel self-conscious when in dance clothes and out of practice anyway but I remember being extra self-conscious over the summer due to the weight I had gained. I felt so much more at ease being a little lighter.

Despite the class going so well, I quickly passed out when I got home and was basically exhausted for the entire evening. I did watch the Cardinals game and am excited to see what happens next week. Is it crazy to hope that they might end up in the Superbowl???

January 08, 2009

Running in the Cold

I got a Garmin running watch for christmas to support my new running hobby. It tracks distance, time, speed, has GPS to make sure I can find my way home, etc. Even though it's freezing outside, I took a run tonight so I could try out my new gadget. The watch is great and reminds me that I tend to run way too fast when I don't have the treadmill to keep my pace. It is a little big for my tiny wrist but it will work. I wish it wasn't so cold though. My lungs were burning from the cold air. It's painful. Plus, I really don't have appropriate cold weather running gear. So my watch may not get much use for the next couple of months until it gets a little more bearable to be outside. I really like this running thing though and it makes me happy that Georgie likes it too.

January 02, 2009


It's been unofficial for a couple months, but now that our annual review cycle is complete, I'm officially the Director of Corporate Quality for my company. I've been working towards this essentially since I graduated from college. I'm not good at bragging about myself which is what this feels like so I don't think I'll say anything more. But I am really excited about this new challenge.