Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

August 29, 2008


Hours. That's the number of hours I've worked in the last 2 weeks. Two weeks, 10 business days, 3 non-business days, 144.5 hours. I am exhausted. We are still trying to get ready for this CMMI appraisal and it has been crazy trying to tie up loose ends and make sure everything is ready. I am now wearing this number like a badge of honor. I'm not even sure how I've been able to work this much. I am looking forward to this appraisal stuff coming to a close and having a life again.

Until then, 144.5...................

Stupidity at Large

At the Democratic Convention, the Veterans Against the War group protested. This may cause the little question mark to appear over your head, indicating that this doesn't seem to make any sense. It gets better. Apparently this group wants the war to end and is disgruntled that the Democrats haven't brought the troops home yet (as if they have the option/power to do so). But I will not digress into that argument just now. The veterans wanted to show that the Democrats don't really care about them and demanded to speak with an Obama campaign liaison. They were disappointed when the Obama campaign agreed, as they were hoping to be arrested so the media would make a bigger story of the situation. That is what one of the protestors told an NPR reporter.

I am disappointed by the lack of progress in bringing our troops home. However, I would not protest at the convention. What are these people hoping to gain? Make voters choose McCain who will NEVER bring our troops home? It seems that it would be smarter to support the Democrats during the convention (since they are more likely to support the removal of troops from Iraq) and then protest at the White House after the election to get things moving in the right direction. I cannot help but feel that these veterans are either lacking intelligence or planted. Either they are unable to think through the consequences of their actions or they aren't really against the war and were planted to cause trouble for the Democrats.

I wish I knew some of these people so I could attempt to discover what their rational was behind this protest. Regardless of the angle I try to view the situation, I still come to the same conclusion: these veterans are doing themselves more harm than good.

August 26, 2008

Three and Counting

School started today. I have 3 classes left to finish my Master's Degree. I am taking one class this semester and then I think I'm going to deal with the pain of taking two next semester to finish this school thing. I'm taking a class on Discrete Event Simulation. Blah, blah, blah. Thankfully, I know several people in the class so I already know who to work with for projects. I don't think the class will require too much work and the professor seems good, so hopefully it will be a good semester.

I'm already counting down to the end of school. I bought my last parking pass today for the year. Never have to do that again. I'm in my last fall semester. Never have to do that again. :)

August 25, 2008

Too Cute

Izzie with her squeaky ball. This girl would follow her ball anywhere.

August 22, 2008

Worst Assignment Ever

As we approach our CMMI appraisal at work, we have to map documentation for each project in the appraisal to each practice in the CMMI model to show how the project has met the intent of the practice. There are approximately 350 practices that have to be mapped for each project. We are including 2 projects in our appraisal, so you get the idea. This is NOT fun work. The person helping me with this now attends each of our status meetings to discuss the "stupid" mapping. It's all in good humor and he's keeping a great attitude about it, but I can't help but feel horrible asking him to take on this task. I'm doing a lot of it too, so it's not like the burden is all on him. But still. I would do it all myself if I could. Thankfully, we only have to do this every 3 years.

August 20, 2008


Has everyone been watching the Olympics? I always enjoy the gymnastics so I've watched all of that. Don't get me started on the unfair judging. I've also watched most of the swimming; I feel sorry for all the amazing swimmers that aren't Phelps and therefore get no coverage. I've caught pieces of some of the other sports, including things that I cannot fathom as being Olympic sports. Isn't badmitton a backyard game? When will the Olympic horseshoes begin???

One of the best discoveries of the Olympics is Izzie's fascination with the horses. We caught the Olympic sport where horses basically prance around in a ring with all kinds of different moves. Sorry to sound stupid on this- I have never seen this before, have no idea what it's called, but was completely fascinated. And so was Izzie. Izzie met a horse once and I think it was love at first sight. She pranced in front of the tv watching the horses in the Olympics. It was adorable. Here's a pic of her in front of the tv (the little black and white floofy thing at the bottom of the pic)......

August 16, 2008

Mitch Fatel

I went to the DC Improv tonight to see Mitch Fatel. He's kind of a weird guy. Very funny, but very R rated. The show warns that it is R rated, and yeah, it's very R rated. I don't think there was any topic that didn't relate to something about sex. He was very funny, but alas, still no Adam Ferrara. Ferrara remains one of my favorite comics, although he can't seem to get back to DC with his tv show and other obligations. I actually had tickets to see him until he cancelled (for the second time) and I switched to Mitch Fatel. I'd recommend seeing Fatel, just make sure you're ready for some dirty humor.

August 15, 2008

Water for Elephants

I just finished this book and it is excellent. It's about a traveling circus in the 1930's. It is historical fiction and I'm a huge fan of this genre. Making history interesting makes me remember it because it seems more real. Otherwise, it's just a jumble of names and dates. Anyway, this book is fascinating and a quick read. I highly recommend it.

August 10, 2008

Beach Weekend

My mom just rented a new place 2 blocks from the ocean, in Brigantine, NJ. I went up for the weekend to visit and get my first taste of the beach this summer. Georgie came with me. I actually relaxed and stopped thinking about work for a few days, started a new book, and went on some long bonding walks with my pup. It was a good weekend. I introduced my mom to How I Met Your Mother (tv show) and she is hooked. I have converted yet another one! I already got Toby and Adam hooked a few weeks ago.

August 06, 2008

What Would NPH Do?

This is the poster that now resides outside my cube at work (temporarily). I about died when I saw this poster- it's the doogie! But most of the people in my office don't get it. Hmpf. So seriously, please tell me you people watch How I Met Your Mother and have seen Harold & Kumar go to White Castle? I heart Doogie. Who thought Neil Patrick Harris (NPH) would end up being one of my favorite actors? :)