Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

July 31, 2007


This band has been on my list of bands to see for a really long time. I used to listen to them all the time in college. I admit I haven't kept up as much since then but when I saw they were going to be in concert, I had to go. They played at Wolf Trap. I had never been there before but it is such a great venue. The entire pavilion is made of wood and the lawn seats are used for picnic-ing and people are allowed to bring food and wine/beer into the venue! I want to go see more shows at this place- it was so much nicer than the normal outside venues.

Pete Yorn opened for Guster. We just saw him at Bonnaroo and while I've always liked him, twice in 2 months might be a little much for Pete Yorn. Guster though- wow! They were awesome! The guy that plays the drums plays them with his hands and it's just cool to watch. I wasn't sure what Michael would think since he listens more to the actual instruments in a band while I listen more to the overall sound, including lyrics. But he really liked them too. So they must be good if we both liked them! Go get yourself some Guster!

July 30, 2007

Final Exam

Tonight was my final exam for my summer class. I felt like it went really well, so I figure I either did really well or REALLY didn't get it and did horribly. But I can usually judge how I did and it felt pretty good. Either way, I'm glad it's over! I put a LOT of effort into this summer class and definitely need a break. One month with no school- woohoo!

July 25, 2007


The class I'm taking this summer involves a big project. I teamed with another girl in the class and then a guy who didn't have a group asked to join us, so we let him join our group. Big mistake- major slacker. He's contributed almost nothing through the entire project and then, right at the end, decides to throw some ideas around to contribute (after I've been working a ton to pick up the slack). I was so irritated- too little, too late buddy! In the end, his contributions proved somewhat helpful to the project but it was such a struggle working with him. And I frankly just don't have time to deal with slackers. Between everything going on at work and taking this class, I'm at a point where if people aren't going to step up, I'll just do the work so it's done. I don't have time, nor is it my job, to coach slackers into working. The funniest part- he wanted to meet up for dinner after our last class. So, uh, he thinks we're all on great terms when I really think he's an incompetent idiot. Can some people really not take a hint? I'm not exactly the best at hiding my feelings towards people so you have to be a real idiot not to know how I feel about you. I'm not sure if he thinks he's making contacts or what- not only would I not be friends with him, I would avoid working with him at all costs too. So I'm at a loss to see how having dinner would be a good use of my time. The other girl and I both declined his invite.

July 19, 2007

Getting the "Best"

Something that has bothered me my entire life is people's desire to be like everyone else and have whatever everyone else has, regardless of how good that "whatever" is. I can understand the desire to want what is best but the term "best" seems to be getting more and more warped. Instead of being the best in terms of quality, best is now whatever product or service is best marketed.

This subject came up once again today when I went to trade in my phone and get a new one. I played with the Razor phone and the Chocolate phone and all the other new "best" products out there. They all seemed cheap and of poor quality to me. The razor phone isn't designed to fit in a hand ergonomically and it also felt like it might snap in two at any moment. The chocolate phone was just kinda big and didn't have anything special. So after looking around, I ended up with a Samsung that is REALLY skinny and light. It is awesome, but not one of the phones you would see most advertised, and therefore not coveted by the general masses.

This theme seems to be appearing more lately, and in strange places. It's one thing when it comes up with a product like a phone- that's just stupidity and it won't really hurt anyone. But I've been watching it happen in things like the medical field and how people choose doctors. A big example around the DC area is with laser eye surgery. There are a bunch of different places that do laser eye surgery, but there's no one in DC that hasn't heard of Dr. Boutros. To be clear- I'm not saying he's a bad doctor. In fact, he may indeed be the "best"; I'm not offering an opinion on his credentials. I'm just saying that people aren't checking the credentials; they're going based on the marketing ads because the ads say he's the best. That's just scary to me.

People just don't think logically. They really do "think" based on marketing. And apparently I missed the boat. With every decision I make, I like to weigh my alternatives and make the best choice for me (which I recognize is not the best choice for everyone). But I feel like the majority of people just go with whatever they've heard over the radio or seen on tv. I'm starting to question whether people are losing the ability to think for themselves.

July 17, 2007

Hole in my Head

I have crummy teeth- definitely hereditary. Whoever I got this from: thanks a bunch! Even though I brush and floss and go to the dentist regularly, I still end up with cavities. Today I went to get a crown, to replace a tooth that has already had a couple cavities. I've never had a crown and had no idea what to expect. To share- they basically drill off your entire tooth! I stuck my tongue up there at one point and was a little horrified to feel the stub of tooth left behind after the drilling. I also didn't know that they take all these impressions of your teeth and have to send away for the new tooth / crown. In the mean time, they glue (yes, like elmer's) a temporary tooth in place so you can still eat as normal. I looked in the mirror and can actually see the line of glue! Thankfully, it's in the back of my mouth!

July 12, 2007

Kitty in a Box

The kitty will do anything for a good box. I can't tell you how many kitty beds I've bought over the years- no interest from the kitty at all. Now we just let her play in boxes after going to Costco or getting mail. She's never been happier. I just think it's funny that she thinks she can fit into much smaller spaces then she actually can.

July 06, 2007

Izzie Butt

Couldn't think of a better title. One of the things that cracks us up about Izzie is how she lays with her back feet stretched directly behind her. Here's some Izzie butt for you............ it's so cute.

July 02, 2007

Who Needs the Dog Park?

Ever since I got Georgie, I've been looking for a good dog park. There's a good one in Baltimore but that's a little far. :) The dog parks in Northern Virginia have proven to be less than impressive. A neighbor me about a relatively undiscovered park less than a mile away so on Sunday I went to check it out. The park is really just the huge backyard of an older man with a bunch of land. He donated it to the county as parkland but not a lot of people know it's there. And it's generally accepted that dogs run off leash there. Jackpot! The pups have found their new favorite place. And it's great because it's within walking distance! Who knew? I plan to spend a lot of time here. It's great for socializing the pups, which Georgie still needs to work on a bit. And the place is gorgeous. Check out the pics.....

Here's Georgie and Izzie with one of their newly made friends. This is a good pic to see the size of the park. I'm taking the pic from about the center of the park- there's a LOT of room for running.

My little angels.........

OK, this picture makes me laugh every time I see it. Izzie LOVES playing fetch with her ball. I got her mid catch. Oh, the passion in those eyes........ :)