Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

April 26, 2009


Molly and I went to see Ragtime at the Kennedy Center tonight. This wasn't on my top list of shows to see but I thought it would be interesting. It follows 3 families in New York at the beginning of the 20th century.

For me, it was just ok. Following 3 separate families didn't allow a very deep connection with any individual character. I think perhaps the point was more to give a broad view of the time period and it definitely did that. But I didn't feel anything. For me, the theater should leave me with something more than, "oh, that was a lovely view of the early 1900s." I can watch a documentary or read a history book for that.

April 23, 2009

My Professor is an A-Hole

And I'd say it to his face if my grade wasn't in his hands. We're getting close to the end of the semester and we had to do a practice version of our final project presentation tonight. Each group had a time slot during the normal class hour; ours was last, from 9:30 - 10:00pm. At 9:30 we realized that there was still another group to go before us so we asked the professor whether we should wait or reschedule. His response: "I'll be here" in a completely snarky tone to convey that we were expected to stick around. I take issue with this. A professor should not expect that you stay at school an hour or more past class time with no prior warning.

To make matters worse, at about 10:15pm, when we finally started presenting, a guy came into the room to inform us that he's supposed to shut down the computer/projector and lock the classroom because the classrooms close at 10pm. The professor's response: "So? We're not done." What an a-hole. I mean, he could have told the guy that we really needed to get through this presentation and would he mind waiting, etc. But no, he expects everyone to cater to him. I don't use the word hate often, but I hate people like this. How dare he treat people this way and decide that he's more important than everyone else he encounters?

The entire semester has been this way. He shoots down ideas before hearing them. He demeans and belittles. He loves to talk about how much he knows and how he was a CEO. Big whoop. I take a small amount of comfort in knowing that he would NEVER pass a final interview at my company. I still really want to tell him what an a$$ he is though. I have zero respect for this man. When will people learn that respect is not required based on a title? It is earned through your actions.

April 18, 2009

My 30th Birthday!

I'm officially out of my 20's and into my 30's! Is it weird that I'm excited about this? Everyone kept asking if I was going to have a meltdown. Why is this supposed to be a sad thing? I have big plans for my 30's. The goal for my 20's was to focus on work and get to a certain career level. Goal accomplished. My plan for my 30's is to stay focused on my work but also focus more on my personal life. I'm finally ready to settle down and start thinking about having a family. That's so much cooler than my 20's goal. What's not to be excited about?

My birthday started on Friday, when my mom came to visit and celebrate with me. We spent the day at the spa. So, anyone who knows me knows that I don't do that. Ever. I spent 4 hours getting pampered with a facial (first time), massage, manicure, and pedicure. OMG. I am addicted. I don't want to be "one of those girls" but um, this was heaven!
On Saturday (my actual birthday), a bunch of us went out in DC for sushi. Perry's is a rooftop sushi restaurant so we could enjoy the perfect weather and see the city. There was way too much sake ordered and somehow it kept being poured for me. But it was delicious! After that we went dancing- of course. We tried a new place but ended up at my favorite- Sign of the Whale. We danced all night and I drank way too much but it was an awesome night and a good way to celebrate the big 3-0.

April 16, 2009

Purge Time

My posts have been few and far between as I wrap up the end of this seemingly endless semester. I took one night out of my work hard, play hard schedule to do some good- for others and for myself.

If you walk into my closet, you would realize that I can basically avoid rewearing the same outfit for about a year. It is ridiculous. The worst part is that half of it doesn't fit and another quarter I don't like, leaving me with a more normal-sized wardrobe. I have waited, hoping that one of you would realize my need to be on "What Not to Wear" but apparently that's not meant to be (half kidding). It's time to purge.

After one evening of trying on a ton of clothing, I have the following to give to goodwill:
- 30 pairs of pants
- 10 shirts
- 5 skirts / shorts

And there's still more to go through. No, I'm not kidding. My resolution for my fast-approaching 30th birthday is that I will no longer buy clothing because it's on sale and will only buy things that I truly love.

April 05, 2009


After being gone for a week, I needed some time at home. I did long walks with Georgie, and was even able to take both pups on a 4 1/2 mile walk when I convinced Dan to go with me. Here's some pics from puppy playtime and the baths that followed. I love the things I can capture with my new camera.
No part of Izzie is touching the ground.

Izzie is stalking the yellow flower.

My Handsome Boy

Izzie in the bath with her fro hairdo.

Gotta love that tongue.