Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

April 23, 2009

My Professor is an A-Hole

And I'd say it to his face if my grade wasn't in his hands. We're getting close to the end of the semester and we had to do a practice version of our final project presentation tonight. Each group had a time slot during the normal class hour; ours was last, from 9:30 - 10:00pm. At 9:30 we realized that there was still another group to go before us so we asked the professor whether we should wait or reschedule. His response: "I'll be here" in a completely snarky tone to convey that we were expected to stick around. I take issue with this. A professor should not expect that you stay at school an hour or more past class time with no prior warning.

To make matters worse, at about 10:15pm, when we finally started presenting, a guy came into the room to inform us that he's supposed to shut down the computer/projector and lock the classroom because the classrooms close at 10pm. The professor's response: "So? We're not done." What an a-hole. I mean, he could have told the guy that we really needed to get through this presentation and would he mind waiting, etc. But no, he expects everyone to cater to him. I don't use the word hate often, but I hate people like this. How dare he treat people this way and decide that he's more important than everyone else he encounters?

The entire semester has been this way. He shoots down ideas before hearing them. He demeans and belittles. He loves to talk about how much he knows and how he was a CEO. Big whoop. I take a small amount of comfort in knowing that he would NEVER pass a final interview at my company. I still really want to tell him what an a$$ he is though. I have zero respect for this man. When will people learn that respect is not required based on a title? It is earned through your actions.

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