Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

April 16, 2009

Purge Time

My posts have been few and far between as I wrap up the end of this seemingly endless semester. I took one night out of my work hard, play hard schedule to do some good- for others and for myself.

If you walk into my closet, you would realize that I can basically avoid rewearing the same outfit for about a year. It is ridiculous. The worst part is that half of it doesn't fit and another quarter I don't like, leaving me with a more normal-sized wardrobe. I have waited, hoping that one of you would realize my need to be on "What Not to Wear" but apparently that's not meant to be (half kidding). It's time to purge.

After one evening of trying on a ton of clothing, I have the following to give to goodwill:
- 30 pairs of pants
- 10 shirts
- 5 skirts / shorts

And there's still more to go through. No, I'm not kidding. My resolution for my fast-approaching 30th birthday is that I will no longer buy clothing because it's on sale and will only buy things that I truly love.

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