Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

July 17, 2007

Hole in my Head

I have crummy teeth- definitely hereditary. Whoever I got this from: thanks a bunch! Even though I brush and floss and go to the dentist regularly, I still end up with cavities. Today I went to get a crown, to replace a tooth that has already had a couple cavities. I've never had a crown and had no idea what to expect. To share- they basically drill off your entire tooth! I stuck my tongue up there at one point and was a little horrified to feel the stub of tooth left behind after the drilling. I also didn't know that they take all these impressions of your teeth and have to send away for the new tooth / crown. In the mean time, they glue (yes, like elmer's) a temporary tooth in place so you can still eat as normal. I looked in the mirror and can actually see the line of glue! Thankfully, it's in the back of my mouth!

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