Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

August 29, 2008

Stupidity at Large

At the Democratic Convention, the Veterans Against the War group protested. This may cause the little question mark to appear over your head, indicating that this doesn't seem to make any sense. It gets better. Apparently this group wants the war to end and is disgruntled that the Democrats haven't brought the troops home yet (as if they have the option/power to do so). But I will not digress into that argument just now. The veterans wanted to show that the Democrats don't really care about them and demanded to speak with an Obama campaign liaison. They were disappointed when the Obama campaign agreed, as they were hoping to be arrested so the media would make a bigger story of the situation. That is what one of the protestors told an NPR reporter.

I am disappointed by the lack of progress in bringing our troops home. However, I would not protest at the convention. What are these people hoping to gain? Make voters choose McCain who will NEVER bring our troops home? It seems that it would be smarter to support the Democrats during the convention (since they are more likely to support the removal of troops from Iraq) and then protest at the White House after the election to get things moving in the right direction. I cannot help but feel that these veterans are either lacking intelligence or planted. Either they are unable to think through the consequences of their actions or they aren't really against the war and were planted to cause trouble for the Democrats.

I wish I knew some of these people so I could attempt to discover what their rational was behind this protest. Regardless of the angle I try to view the situation, I still come to the same conclusion: these veterans are doing themselves more harm than good.

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