Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

January 08, 2009

Running in the Cold

I got a Garmin running watch for christmas to support my new running hobby. It tracks distance, time, speed, has GPS to make sure I can find my way home, etc. Even though it's freezing outside, I took a run tonight so I could try out my new gadget. The watch is great and reminds me that I tend to run way too fast when I don't have the treadmill to keep my pace. It is a little big for my tiny wrist but it will work. I wish it wasn't so cold though. My lungs were burning from the cold air. It's painful. Plus, I really don't have appropriate cold weather running gear. So my watch may not get much use for the next couple of months until it gets a little more bearable to be outside. I really like this running thing though and it makes me happy that Georgie likes it too.

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