Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

February 12, 2009

It Was Only a Matter of Time

I got pulled over this morning for speeding. I tried to explain that I was going the speed of traffic but the officer told me I was going much faster than everyone else. No, I was just the idiot that didn't see him in time to slam on my breaks. Does he really not know how fast people go on Fairfax County Parkway?

He also gave me a ticket for failing to obtain a Virginia Driver's License. I knew I was flirting with disaster by not updating my license, but seriously, my Arizona license doesn't expire until 2039. No kidding. With my continuously growing list of important things to do, replacing a driver's license that doesn't expire for another 30 years didn't exactly make the top ten. After running my license, he came back and said, "You've been here for 5 years???" I had to bite my tongue from saying, "Actually, it's been closer to 6. But who's counting?"

Why can't I just be like I was when I was 16? I was once pulled over for speeding and immediately started crying. It was genuine. It was the fear of my mother's wrath when she found out combined with the fear of not being able to drive, which was everything at age 16. The officer let me go with a warning. Now I have to bite my tongue to control the sarcasm. Sigh. How life changes......

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