Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

May 31, 2007

You Make Me Laugh

I started grad school last fall and had class on Tuesday and Thursday. Then in the spring I had class on Wednesday but I would always get voicemails on Tuesday and Thursday from people saying "Oh, you must be in class now." (wrong day) I got that all semester. I just started my summer class and it's on Mondays. Yesterday I got 2 messages saying "Oh, it's Wednesday, you must be in class." These are the same people that couldn't remember I had class on Wednesday all last semester. Cracks me up. So maybe in the fall, you'll all think I have class on Monday. :) Thanks for the chuckle!


Toby Levy Lowe said...

I KNOW you are talking about me! :-P
And, just for the record... I think I use that excuse without even bothering to think about what day it is, b/c I can't remember what day you have class on -- half the time I don't even know what day it IS! Doesn't really matter, though, b/c you don't answer the phone even if you're not in class ;-)
Txts work, though :-)

Unknown said...

I agree with Toby...I never know what day Emily is in class. And, you are right, she never answers the phone anymore! I guess I will have to start texting her too.