Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

October 08, 2007


I, along with all of the other management people at work, took the Myers-Briggs personality test and had a day-long seminar on the results today. I am an INTJ. Here's how it breaks down.........

Extrovert vs. Introvert- I'm an Introvert (I). No surprise there. This means that I re-energize by reflecting on things as opposed to being out interacting with lots of people. It explains how I prefer to have a few close friends instead of a bunch of acquaintances and why I like my me-time so much.

Sensing vs. Intuition- I'm Intuition (N). This means that I like interrelationships, theories, and future possibilities, as opposed to facts, details, and present realities. Also very true of me. I think this is the scholar/engineer in me. While I like the details, I love the theory. And I typically see the big picture and need to see the big picture before I can be interested in the details. And I can usually figure out a way to make just about anything a reality for the future if I really want to.

Thinking vs. Feeling- I'm Thinking (T). This means that I make decisions using logical, objective analysis, as opposed to trying to create harmony. Damn straight. I have little desire to make my decisions any other way. Not saying I don't consider people's feelings, but I certainly don't sacrifice making the right decision to create harmony. Isn't that a wussy trait??? Yeah, there's the engineer.

Judging vs. Perceiving- I'm Judging (J) but I sort of cross over into the P too. Judging is being organized and orderly, making decisions quickly. I'm the first two, not so much the last. I believe Dan and Toby can attest to that. Perceiving is being flexible and keeping options open as long as possible.

Having a type gives me a little sigh of relief. People always get on my case about going out more but I'm perfectly happy being at home with my guy and my pups. Too much going out stresses me. I think that's why this fall was so stressful for me. Even though much of it was fun, like going to Purdue, it was all stressful because I had no downtime between activities. I need time to recooperate!

Taking the test was also interesting because I had no surprises which makes me feel like I do know myself pretty well. The good and the bad. :) I think it's good to be able to recognize areas for improvement within ourselves. Most of the suggestions given for ways to better interact with people (for my personality type) were things that I already recognize in myself and work on regularly anyway.

Anyone else taken this?

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