Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

March 28, 2007

Statistics for Dummies

Should I even bother blogging about this? You all know what I'm going to say so I'll try to keep this short. My professor is still a moron. We did not get back our midterms today but he did hand out the "solutions". Some of the answers he provided were just plain wrong. For instance, he came up with a probability that was equal to 8. Uh, probability must be between 0 and 1. And he was NOT saying it was 8%. His answer was just 8. Idiot. I'm pretty sure I learned that principle of probability sometime in high school. Good thing he has his PhD. Other "solutions" were to problems that were not actually on the test. Nice huh? And yet others were worded differently. For instance, on the test he wanted us to calculate a distribution if x was equal to 6 or more but in his solution, the question asked to calculate if x is more than 6. A very different answer. So based on my grading where you actually grade the questions given on the test with correct solutions, I should have an A. But my guess is he will be giving me a C and then I will get to spend next Wednesday night explaining to him why his answers are wrong. I can't wait. Seriously, this is getting really old. I did talk to other people in the class and there are several of us that are going to go to the department about this. It's one thing if he's an idiot but it's another if he can't grade properly. What's going to happen on our finals when we're not there to tell him he's wrong???

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