Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

March 15, 2007

"Spring Break"

This week was spring break at Mason so no school on Wednesday for me. Soooo happy! It's always nice not to have to sit through a few hours of nonsense, aka my stats class. But it made me reminisce back to the days when we actually had breaks from work (school) to do nothing. I miss that! I want a break from work to just laze around. My vacation time at work doesn't quite add up to the 4 months a year we got when we were in school. :) Sigh. What do you think it would take to institute spring break in the workplace???


Shannan said...

The kids and I had spring break last week. We got to clean house and babysit. David did take Wed. off so we could go to the zoo. That was way fun. :)
Shannan Evans (David's wife from Honeywell)

Emily said...

Wow! Now I really wonder who's reading my blog. Great to hear from you Shannan- I know who you are silly!