Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

April 06, 2007

Microchipped Puppies

Today we had vet visits for both the pups. Izzie went for an all day comprehensive exam to make sure everything is looking good at 6 months. We found out she has an ear infection- looks like she inherited the spaniel ears so this will probably be a consistent issue with her. Georgie went in the afternoon for his annual check up and shots. He's good, other than the fact that he's a scaredy-dog. He tried to hide behind Michael and I for the entire appointment and wouldn't even say hi to the vet. Normally we can't keep him from saying hi and being overly excited. Both puppies got microchipped today while at the vet too. So now if they ever get lost they can be scanned, just like a box of cereal at the grocery store. :)

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