Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

February 07, 2007

I can't feel my toes

So today I went to a client site for a meeting and got to meet more employees of my new company. I continue to be impressed by everyone; it's nice to work with intelligent people who view quality in a positive way. I've said to many of you that I haven't found as good a team of people to work with since college and our amazing study group of 4 (Sarah, Mel, and Dan). But I think this place might have the potential to rival our study group. Exciting.

So, about my toes........... In order to get to the client meeting today, I had to go into the city and I took the metro. It is COLD outside. Between walking from the car to the metro I thought my nose and fingers were going to fall off, then once on the metro I got to feel the icy breeze at every stop when the doors opened. Then I had to walk to the client site. Multiply that by 2 for the return trip. It took hours after I got home for my toes to regain feeling.

How do you daily metro users do it? I could NOT do this everyday. Maybe it's because I grew up driving in Phoenix where there is NO public transportation so you have to drive but I like the comfort of my heater in my car. I like the concept of the metro and it's great for going out and not having to find parking in the city. But everyday? Not for me. I'm still trying to regain full feeling in my toes. :)


Marc & Melanie said...

So the great team is being replaced?!?! I am in mourning :(

Honestly, I'm glad you're finding another great team to work with - I'm stuck with idiots!

Melanie :)

Emily said...

Thanks Mel. It still remains to be seen, but I am hopeful. I've worked with enough idiots. :) And don't worry, no one could ever really rival our group cause you guys are great friends too!