Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

February 19, 2007

Dixie Chicks, Take 2

I want to respond to a comment on my Dixie Chicks posting but my response is a little long for that location, so I'm posting again......... and by the way, thanks for responding- it's good to hear other people's thoughts (even if I don't agree with them)...............

Music has always been a venue for speaking political beliefs. I can’t even begin to list the number of artists that spoke out through their music during Vietnam and that included messages during their concerts. Today, artists are still making songs about the state of the world and their disagreement over what is happening. This is nothing new. What has changed is that we now not only tolerate but celebrate ignorant songs about America putting a boot in your ass instead of messages of peace or messages disagreeing with the President. People have changed to be more accepting of ignorance and violence.

As far as being “smarter” about where they make their comments- that’s kind of the whole point. Being willing to state their beliefs, regardless of the consequences, is why I’m in support of the Dixie Chicks. People need to stop being afraid and stop buying into this nonsense that speaking up equates to being un-American. Keeping quiet and just letting someone take advantage of their position of power is not an acceptable stance, but it’s the one being drilled into us by the current administration. Don’t ask questions, just believe. It’s turning into some sick kind of religion.

Lastly, with regards to the CMA’s: The Dixie Chicks were given 10 awards and 16 nominations at the CMA’s between 1999 and 2003. And then it all stopped. To think they weren’t even up for a nomination this year is “interesting”. In the mean time, the CMA’s have started to honor songs like Toby Keith’s song about America putting a boot in the ass of other countries. So if we want to talk about agendas and conspiracy theories, one could argue that there’s at least an equal argument that the CMA’s are guided by the far right who are trying to squash those artists that have opinions that are different than the current administration. I try to avoid these arguments because it is and will always be speculation and can always be argued by either side to prove the point they want to make.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Em - you're argument about music being a venue for political beliefs is true to a degree - some artists clearly establish what they stand for, like John Fogerty of CCR in the 70's (being anti-Vietnam war, etc.). However if you're an artist or genre that has predicated yourself on songs about family, relationships, overcoming life situations, comedy (White Trash Wedding = hilarious) etc., which country music (and the Chicks) by & large has, by suddenly openly stating about or singing (or making on-stage comments) about your political beliefs, regardless of position, you're isolating and turning off a portion of your fan base. How many fans of the Chicks would there have been from the beginning had they been open about their political beliefs? Again speculation, but my guess is not as many as today (or at least in 2003). Tobbey Keith has always sung songs about drinking, trucks, and being pro-American (borderline jingoistic). Whether his songs/positions are right or wrong doesn't matter because he's established himself (and his fan base) based on those beliefs.

That's why I was saying, for me, my attitude is: shut up and sing. Most if not all of the artists I listen to are not political hotbeds. If I feel like integrating fierce partisan politics and music, I'll tune into the Grammys or VMA's. If others like artists for speaking out politically, I of course respect that. Again, I'm not defending country music - you know I'm by & large a metalhead. :)

Now, the your comment of "Keeping quiet and just letting someone take advantage of their position of power is not an acceptable stance, but it’s the one being drilled into us by the current administration" is a topic in and of itself and we can save that one for another day.