Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

February 09, 2007


My new company has a Halo Room; that is, a room devoted to playing the video game Halo. It allows our developers to take a break from programming and such to relax. I have never played until today. I didn't think I would like it. The point of the game is to run around killing the other players and I'm not usually into that sort of thing. But it is actually really fun! I was a mess trying to figure out how to move my character and spent a good portion of the time laughing at my clutsiness. (Besides Mario Kart, I don't play a lot of video games and it's been awhile since Mario Kart.) But guess what? I won! The developer who was showing us how to play was definitely taking it easy on us, but I definitely beat the other newbies. The game was a really nice break in the middle of the day and left me refreshed to go back to my tasks. This company rocks!

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