Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

February 05, 2007

First Day

Today was the first day of my new job. Up until today, it really didn't seem real. When I've switched jobs in the past I was always very ready to leave one job for another but this time was different. I've been beating myself up over my choice for weeks, trying to decide whether this was really the right decision, whether I was leaving Plexus too soon, whether the new company would really be the best move for me, whether the commute to Reston was going to kill me, etc, etc. So many unknowns. I've been pretty stressed about it and kind of waiting to see how today would go.

And to report......... I definitely feel like I made the right decision. I know, it's only been a day. But I was really impressed today by the people at Platinum Solutions. And for those of you who know me, I'm not easily impressed. All of the things I fought for a year at my last job to implement (along with a slew of other people) and was consistently turned down on, are already in place at Platinum. Ahh, a company with goals and an understanding of the need for things like knowledge management and accountability. I think I've found my happy place. :)

My first day consisted of orientation, paperwork, etc in the morning and meeting with Stephanie, the Director of Quality/my new boss/old coworker from Accenture/friend, in the afternoon to get an idea of where their quality program is currently at. I'm excited because they have a nice start but I will definitely have my work cut out for me and be able to contribute a lot.

And the best part- the commute was not bad at all! It took me 45 minutes to get to work and about 30 to get home- during rush hour! It took me almost that long to get home from my last job at the same hour! It probably won't be like that everyday but I was worried it was going to take hours. That was one of my biggest concerns with the new job.

So all in all, a great first day! I'm completely at peace with my decision now. The new job is going to be good.

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Epay said...
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