Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

February 24, 2008

Weekly Update

So this might be all you get for awhile. I don't have much to report from my week, or much time to report it.

Work: I'm helping out on one of our projects a couple days a week which has hindered my ability to make progress on my projects for the quality program. I have no complaints about helping on the project, I even kind of like it; I just don't have enough time to get everything done. I have enough to do for at least 2 full time people so I feel like sometimes I just run around trying to maintain the status quo, as opposed to really making progress. Oh, if only there could be 30 hours in a day. Or I could have a clone..........

School: One of my classes has an intense amount of work and I find myself spending much of my free time on it. I spent at least a couple of hours on this one class every day last week, and more this weekend. I will be really, really happy when this semester is over.

Fun Stuff: I did manage to watch the Democratic debate from this week, which was interesting, although less so now that I've already voted.

I also forced myself to go to the gym both days this weekend. I've gained some weight over the last couple of years and it's time to start shedding it. Maybe I should stop eating cookie dough too.......... no, that's just crazy.

1 comment:

Amy said...

cookie dough has never been proven to add pounds. the idea of giving it up is pure rubbish.