Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

October 18, 2008

Girls Night Out

I realized I haven't been out dancing in almost 3 years which is just wrong so I decided to plan a girls night out. I was hoping to go to a bar we used to go to called Polly Esther's, which plays 70s and 80s music but then found out it closed 2 years ago. I'm so out of the loop. I was surprised by how many other girls were on board with going out- we ended up with 10 between dinner and dancing.

We met for dinner at a place called Cafe Soleil in DC. It was a really small place with a nice atmosphere and good food. Then we hit the clubs. Or club, as it turned out. We decided to start at Sign of the Whale, which was one of my favorites years ago. We thought we would start there, see how it was, and then head elsewhere. We ended up closing the bar. I would post more pictures but I'm not sure there are any others that won't embarrass people. Here's me with Toby and with Anne.

Early in the evening, Sara and I decided that we needed to make the group co-ed and somehow ended up in the middle of a Bachelor Party. Everyone else joined us shortly. The guys were all really nice, not gross and just looking to score (bonus), and we all had a great time. We played a new "drinking" game that didn't involve drinking (yes, contradiction). I have no idea how to explain it but it was fun and now I have a new bar game to play.
New Bar Game: Fingers on the Glass!

Sometime late in the night, I realized we weren't dancing and felt the need to change that. I spent the last half hour or hour (no idea really) dancing, which was great. I even danced with some 22-year-old boy. Yes, I said 22. (I'm shaking my head with some level of shame now.) While I normally wouldn't give a 22-year-old the time of day, I now realize what the appeal to this age is. This kid was in awe of me. Seriously. He said a lot of really nice things that no 30-something man would say, not in a bar to a stranger anyway. I recognize that this is probably for the best but being around a guy that wasn't jaded by a long history in the dating scene was nice.

Toby and I caught the very last metro out of the city and got the very last cab at the metro station. We got back to my place around 4:15am and into bed around 5am. I would call that a good night out. :)

1 comment:

Toby Levy Lowe said...

Funny thing is that I wasn't even drunk when you took that picture! Just being stupid :-)

And I can't believe you left out the part about making chocolate chip cookies at 4:30 am when we got back to your place... or the fact that we really missed the last train, and had to take the "pick up the stragglers" train with the metro person yelling at us to get on!