Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

July 11, 2008

What happened to my Happy Meal?

So I don't frequent McDonald's........... how long has the happy meal box been gone??? I felt a little piece of my childhood get stomped on today as I was handed a happy meal in a bag. A bag!!! Sigh.

Funny story though. So I ate at about 10:30 this morning and then was busy with work right up until I had to leave for a wedding dress rehearsal / dinner. After an hour and a half dress rehearsal (seriously, wtf?), I couldn't wait any longer for food. There was a rehearsal dinner but I was actually shaking from being faint and it was time for a meal. So I drove thru McD's and I got a happy meal.

I am SO not happy! I want my cool little box with the M for handles! Not a bag! What has the world come to when a Happy Meal comes in a bag??? I leave this for you to ponder.


Amy said...

The toys suck too. Just an observation.

Do the Happy Meals still come with cookies or has the funburglar stolen those too?

Emily said...

There used to be cookies!!! Thanks for adding to my disappointment! No, there were no cookies. :(