Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

July 04, 2008

Cleaning the Closet

Another "to do" on my never-ending list is cleaning out the bedroom closet. It has been a mess for a long time and today I was in a purging mood. I spent almost 4 hours in the closet and managed to fill 3 full trash bags with clothes, shoes, and purses for goodwill. I finally parted with all of my early 20's chunky shoes. They are horrible. I can't believe I used to wear some of the things I got rid of, but they were in-style then, I swear.

In addition, I found money! I found a $20 bill in one bag, and I emptied all of my bags/purses in the closet and found another $18 in change. I figure $38 isn't a bad pay-off for cleaning out my closet. I keep walking in there to admire my work. :)

Happy 4th of July everyone!

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