Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

July 17, 2008

Tolerance for Alcohol

Where did it go? I swear, I could drink in college. I know that perhaps this is not something to be proud of, but I could hold my own with the drinking. My buddy Dan and I once finished an entire bottle of Jagermeister in one night. Ahh, Jager...... the memories you and I share.

We had an All Hands meeting for work last night that ran until 7pm. I went out with some coworkers afterwards. I had half of a frozen margarita thing (it was gross so I left the rest there) and then a glass of wine. This occured over almost 4 hours. So there's NO good reason for me to feel hungover. And yet, this morning my eyes and head hurt and I was all dehydrated.

We had a really good time though. My coworkers are a lot of fun; there are so many good people at this company.


Amy said...

Yours and mine are hiding together. I cannot even imagine how pathetic I will be when I can actually drink a glass of wine again. It was getting pretty sad before the pregnancy too.

Anonymous said...

Shoot, I can't even say I've ever been able to hold my liquor. I've always been a cheap date. But you know what, I'm ok with that! ;)

Charissa said...

You mixed, dude. I can drink plenty - but ONE drink type only. ONLY wine OR ONLY beer OR ONLY mixed... it works. Trust me... I'm old.

Emily said...

How do you explain beer and pineapples then??? I miss pineapples. ;)