Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

September 27, 2008

Shaking Puppy

Georgie is becoming increasingly scared of thunder storms. I don't remember him caring too much in the past but now he finds me and curls up next to me, pushing himself into me to make sure I'm there and not leaving him. We had a thunderstorm last night that was so close, it woke me up. I'm not a light sleeper. My poor Georgie then proceeded to do his pushing thing (in bed) while shaking like a leaf. This was around 3am. An hour or so later he finally stopped shaking enough that we could go back to sleep. Crazy dog. Tired Emily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor baby. I love your pups, Em!

And you know what? I miss you! I feel like we haven't talked in ages! I hope you guys are doing great and that we get to see you again soon. :)