Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
And let go of what you can't change.

September 06, 2008

OBX 2008

I rented a house on the beach for a week again this year. Despite having to work for 1 day and having to keep up with email, I was able to spend a lot of time relaxing and catching up on me. I rented a different house this year and it was oceanfront, with 2 decks, and a jacuzzi. As last year, it was a great time to go- all the kids are back in school and everyone is afraid of hurricane season. The beaches were mostly empty and the weather was beautiful.

I spent most of my time sitting on the beach, reading. I love sitting on the sand. I grew up on beach vacations with my mom and it's always been a relaxing place for me. Georgie spent a lot of time on the sand with me, even though I started to worry about his organs cooking. Georgie likes to sunbathe. To touch him, you'd think he was about to spontaneously combust. But he's SO happy in the sun. He actually prefers the sun to being in the shade under an umbrella. Crazy dog. A great beach companion though.

Our self portrait:

The pups had a great time, as always. On a couple of days, the water came up really high and couldn't flow back out (see the pic below). It formed a pool of water and the pups got to go swimming for the first time. They are excellent little swimmers. Georgie actually took his first swim by accident. We were playing in the water and he romped a little to far and found there was no longer ground under his feet. He figured it out quickly and started swimming. SO cute.

The pups did a lot of playing. Here they are romping on the beach.

I ate seafood every night. Mostly, I went to the local seafood market, picked up their fresh catches of the day, and cooked at the house. I ate a lot of scallops. Yum. I asked the rental office where the good food was and she basically named everything except for the one chain restaurant. I ate at the chain; it was great. I ate at one of the local restaurants; I fed it to the dogs. In case you're ever in Avon, do NOT eat at the Dolphin Den. The seafood wasn't even fresh!

Here's my new friend, the sand crab. He was within a foot of my beach chair one day and kept going in and out of the sand, staying out a little longer each time.
I had good weather every day until Friday. The tropical storm, Hanna was coming through, followed by Ike, so I decided to pack up a day early and head home. I really didn't want to get stranded by flooded roads. So I lost one day, but overall, a great vacation. I am super tan (for me); I figure I have about a week until it fades to super white again. :) I want/need another week.

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